@Thanatos2k: At least 95% of releases land on both PS4 and Xbox One. So how can there be nothing to play on Xbox? And as an owner of both a Pro and a OneX, I can attest to the fact that a lot of recent multiplat games are better on the OneX. Sony fucking kills it in the exclusives department however, but that's still a far cry from saying there's nothing to play on Xbox.
@sikho: It's not a "fake news" argument. That specific situation that I referred to was PROVEN to have never even happened, and yet pretty much every mainstream news outlet was reporting it as fact until RS got their asses in a sling and had to retract the entire piece. But of course by the time all these media outlets started running for cover, the damage had already been done.
My point wasn't to say that all women who claim harassment are liars, (although obviously some of them are). My point was that just because something was reported by multiple media sources, that in no way makes it factual or accurate.
Pretty big difference between fake news and false news, wouldn't you agree?
@punksterdaddy: Another perfect example. And no, I'm not one of these "fake news" assholes, I just take everything I hear from the general media with a grain of salt now.
@sikho: "Facts" published by the media is a joke nowadays. Did we all forget the article published by Rolling Stone last year about the supposed gang rape on the UVA campus, that every major news organization was reporting as "fact"?
Funny how that entire article had to later be recinded by RS, with a major investigation, because the supposed rape didn't even happen.
Everything you see/hear/read in the media is slanted in one way or another. Whoever told you that everything you hear on the news or read in a publication is factual, is your enemy.
You want to know what really burns my ass about this whole #metoo movement?
It's not that women are coming out of the woodwork on it. If they were assaulted or harassed, they should rightfully be speaking up, and the person responsible should have to be accountable if it is proven that they did something inappropriate.
However, the mentality that every man is automatically guilty of what they are being accused of is pure BULLSHIT. Especially if we're talking about something that happened 20, 30 or more years ago. It's almost indefensible at that point.
I laughed when several women accused actor Jeremy Piven of assaulting them. He straight up called BS on their claims and took several independent lie detector tests, and guess what? He passed with flying colors, the accusers were full of shit.
I know that there are issues with men acting like sexist idiots, but that doesn't change the fact that women do lie about this kind of stuff, (we all remember the recent Rolling Stone debacle around a supposed gang-rape on the UVA campus that never even actually occurred, so the whole story had to be retracted because the accuser was found to be untruthful).
My point is, assuming that every man is instantly guilty, and so they should immediately be fired/ostracized/destroyed is total BS. If we have proof that someone is being a scumbag, then have at them. If not, then it's really just a witch hunt isn't it?
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