@statinoe: So I'm a moron and a dumbass now? Wow, you need to learn how to speak to people if you expect anyone to take you seriously. Continue with your ridiculous rant though, it amuses the hell out of me.
@statinoe: Pretty sure you shouldn't be calling anyone a moron considering you've posted one of the most retarded comments I've seen on these forums in ages. That's really saying something.
@statinoe: Wow, you sure put your foot in your mouth on that one. How can you possibly claim that the 2 best games that will EVER be released on the system have already came out, and claim it as an irrefutable fact? I can think of plenty of games that could be better coming down the pipe for the Switch.
Could you kindly look into your crystal ball and give me next week's winning lotto numbers while you're at it?
Sometimes I worry that my IQ may drop simply by seeing such retarded shit.
@Rufus_the_rat: Sarah Conner was not a psychopath, she was just aware of the bad things coming and able to do whatever was necessary to try and stop it. People just thought she was nuts for claiming to know the future.
If you remember her character in the first movie, she seemed like a very normal person living a fairly normal life. Robots from the future trying to kill her, and learning from Kyle Reese about the impending destruction of human kind after judgement day just made her a bad ass bitch, not a psycho.
@lonesamurai1: Let's just call it a truce then. I really was just poking fun at PC gamers, mostly around the outcry for Red Dead 2 to get ported. Really didn't expect anyone to take my comment that seriously.
@lonesamurai1: Wow, you're still on about it. Guess my statement really struck a chord with you man. Even after I stated straight out that my post was just a bit of fun semi-trolling, you're still feeling the need to defend PC gaming when there's no need to.
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