Seriously, no African American or female Bonds please.
I'm neither racist or sexist, but it just fundamentally changes the character too much.
You want to make a bunch of spy movies starring African Americans or women? That's great, (I would watch them if they look like they are good), but if you call them 007, you'll totally lose me.
@onehitta323: I think it's pretty safe to say that everyone should just ignore your ass at this point, since it's obvious you have nothing better to do than troll every XBOX related article.
@onehitta323: XBox Live ID = MileHighKindBud. PSN ID = MileHighKind. Switch ID = KindBud.
Feel free to message me on any of the consoles that you claim I don't own, and I can just continue to own you privately, (much less embarrassing for you that way).
@onehitta323: Actually, the only thing you are proving by your ridiculous comments is what a sad fanboy you really are. You say there's nothing good to play on Xbox this gen, but 99% of games release on Xbox and PS4. While I can say that I love the great exclusives that landed on the PS4 this year, I can also say that the multiplatform games that are enhanced for the OneX are far and away better than those same games on the PS4 Pro, (yes I have both, as well as NS because I'm not a ridiculous fanboy).
But please, continue to say stupid shit, it's extremely amusing.
aross2004's comments