I'm so excited! Wanna know why?!?
I found out my dad gets 'The Hub'! We were watching the "Santa tracker" and it was like "brought to you by the Hub". And I was like "Aaaaaaaaah! Dad you have MLP?!?! Lets watch it!!" and instantly I rethought that statement. Oh god...
So I tried the nicer approach. We...Should watch... MLPrightnowbecauseit'ssoamazing!
He said no, and so when he wasn't looking I put it to record the episodes. I'm so happy!
In other news, I've become FF addicted. I've began playing ff13 and I'm all the way to the Havoc Skytank. In my other file i was all the way to Byrnhildr and at that moment I realized I was vastly under-leveled. I have a love hate relationship with ff. I LOVE their games, but I suck hard. It's sad. But this time, I've fought ever single battle I've had so far, with the exception of the scale beasts ( the game told me to avoid them), and I'm pretty sure I've got this in the bag.
So , in the end I'm happy.
Happy Merry ChrismaHanaKwanzIka
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