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artsterisyours Blog

Nothing to report Sir!

I really have nothing to blog about. I'm writing this so i can say that iam active. :P

I can happily say i will be posting in unions more cuz of the Glitch. (its gone!)

I'm TRYING to be nice to my parents so that i can maybe buy the Orange Box, which will be my first M rated game(s).Fro the ps2

I'm also TRYING to convice my dad to get me FF13 for the ps3.

I'm going to announce a problem i have. When they come out which should i buy?:

Skyward Sword or the 3DS?

Sup yall

In Tejas (texas yall) we have had 5 snow days in a row! :O I know right?

So I spen the rest of the week playing kh 1 and I finally beat it!

Don't tell anyone but, I cried in the end.

All I have to do now is beat 385/2, Chain of Memories, and BBs.

I will have the full kh collection some day!

So now since I have nothing more to say I shall advertise. D: I know, right?

My friend Ashly made a new online game on or something. :P

She wants me to get som people to play her game. So if you want to (please at least check it out) you can install something Called "Hamachi" (google it) and then got to and she will instruct you. AS of RIGHT NOW we are enlisting in Mods OR players. :D

THATS all folks!


Now about my kitteh:

Name: Alice

Gender: guess. (Female!)

She got bigger VERY quickly and now we refer to her as Tub O lard. xD

I can bring you guys a before and After picture of a few weeks time.

I'm glad we still have evaded the "get bored and don't wanna feed animal/pet" phase. I'm always keeping that in my mind. I'm gonna buy Fianl Fantasy 13 and I"m buying a guide book for 5$ to look at the pics. (For real)

Thats al I can think about so


I'm really sorry,

I have been gone for a long time and I never told anyone. I kida got busy and kept forgetting to check in once and a while.

I'm having a snow day so thats how I got on today.

I bought Re:Coded and tried to restart kh1

I'm trying to be over lvlvd so I can beat it.

Nothing else happened over my absene excapet I'm going to buy ff 13 and i almost beat ff1.

I'm going to post in some unions now.

Bragging blog EDIT

I'm bragging to say that I pre ordered Re:coded and I will be getting it today or tommmorow! :D

It looks fun and complicated but the cutscene graphics look horrid from commercials.

Nothing else to say eh-eh

EDIT: I got the game just a minute ago and i was like:

Me :(fangirl squeal):D :D :D

My sis: STFU

younger sis: :?

ME:*opens it* aww shi*

sis: huh?

Me: the preorder stickers ddint come!
:end of story

so in truth I di preorder it but fopr some reason it didn tcome with stickers?

I purchased ir online so was i not supposed to get some? I'm angry.


one. my cat got bigger.

my sis tooka video and i'll try to upload it.


I know right? I was appaled.

It wasn't REALLY snow. It melted as soon as it touched the ground.

I also pre-ordered Re:coded.

It looks stupid but oh well.

I need an ideam for an RP (role play)

Its about a highchool filed with monsters.

any ideas?

I have nothiing else to say.

Happy new Years?

Yeah... this year we didn't really celebreate.

I did have "fun" opening a god **** bottle.

It had like a crown shaped cap.

I couldn't find the bottle opener so I had to improvise

I used all different types of methods but after an hour of trying i finally opened it.

I had to burn, cut, and melee the bottle, and I slammed it on a door and it opened.

It actually wasn't very tasty :(

thats all.

Happry new year!

Happy Merry Chrisma-Hana-Kwanzika! 2.0

I got exactly what I wanted. Though out of all I got the best of my family.

What I wanted:

Kh 1



Ps anything

Wiimotion plus

What I got was"

Kh 1

Kh 2

Kh: RE CoM


Playstaion 3 (dads house)

ps2 (moms house)

Wiimotion plus

Yu-gi-oh cards

AND A CAT!!!!!!

Alice (I named the family cat) is a cute little polite girl.

I luve her.

(of course my parents didn't plan at ALL and they got me conflicting gifts without knowing. Now I can play Kingdom hearts at BOTH houses :D )

Merry Christmas and too all a good night.

~Luv u guys :D

Happy Merry Chrisma-Hana-Kwanzika!

That is how I celebrate all december holidays. :D

I'm so happy that christmas is in 11 hours!!!!

I don't write very long blogs, do I?

I try to make them short and sweet.

Guess what!!! (If you don't want to guess skip this line)


358/2 was hiding UNDER my chriistmas tree :x

I still can't beat The ruler of the sky.

[spoiler] I'm 99% sure that I got EXACTLY what I asked for :D [/spoiler]

I'm now going to die if I can't play thwm tommorow.

I'm really good at Twilight Soul now.

The controls are easy and I'm making friends.

If one of you joins my username is Artie.

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

I'm probably going to be away for awhile so that I can play Kingdom Hearts and use whatever else I'm getting.

I'm probably not going to be online until school starts back up on the 3rd.

My arms are getting tired from typing.

I'm going to post some topics then see if the Twilght Soul server is up.

BTW if you can help me on kh 358/2 I'm lvl 41!

~bai bai


Helllo im sorry i havent been blogging or anything for a while

it was all my selfs fault :(

I just keep forgettting and doing other things.

I'll probably be more active when im on break but kh fans... GUESS WUT!!!!

I was SO bored yesterday I searched up an online Kingdom hearts game

I found Twilight soul.

Its pretty awesome other than the controls.

I can't really think of anything to blog about b4 school so I'll try to post.