@Therimight @ash162 Rightly said. There are many new IPs that don't perform well bçoz we don't bother with them i.e. Dragon's dogma. Gamers should realize that unless we are willing to broaden our horizons neither will the industry.
A good story is important to me in a game regardless if it conveys a msg. or not. We do need more innovation though rather than just guns and zombies. Like journey, heavy rain, catherine etc.. Unless the industry is willing to take risks we won't move forward.
They can set it anywhere albeit with fresh gameplay mechanics. A new game is a great opportunity to innovate since it doesn't have to relate to existing ones.........
I agree with Tom that games today lean way too much on mindless violence to cash in. But same can be said for movies and many other forms of entertainment. We need more games like Journey and Ico 'cause not that they are non-violent but they dare to be different and further the quality of gaming narrative.
However i don't agree with the politicians. An idiot knows they should be focusing on gun control rather than game control. Empty air!!
The specs aren't really futuristic as we hoped but i m sure they will be good enough at least for present console owners. We need better games rather than re hashed franchises year after year!
Jeez wouldn't gun control be more effective than game control! It's clear the powerful gun lobby is refocusing the issue on games to avoid talking about what really matters!
ash162's comments