The most under-used gimmick this gen has to be the Six axis feature in the ps3 controller. Only used in ps3 exclusives sometimes to turn a handle(kill zone) (ridiculous) or steer a car (heavy rain) (meh) or to shoot arrows and throw people(heavenly sword) (pretty cool)
It's good that they are willing to start afresh and explore the diversity rather than rehashing old stuff. I just hope they maintain the excellent standards of the series and not a half - assed shooter cashing in on the mass effect name!
If you release a great game people will buy regardless if it's the end of a console cycle or not. Besides a lot of gamers wait atleast 2 yrs after a new console release before they completely phase out the old ones b'coz of better prices models and games. many don't even then. ps2 outsold the ps3 and 360 for a long time in japan!
The only relevant stuff in this article for me is sony's support for ps3 till 2015. Which means we will still have great exclusives. And i m not buying a new console before that anyway
This one seems huge in scale with a variety of places to explore. Good 'cause they really shrunk the scale in brotherhood and revelations. Hunting was a great way to pass the time in RDR.
ash162's comments