Homosexuality is a non issue for me(don't reaIly notice it if it's there) and i really don't think it will push the gaming to next step in 'higher' storytelling as this article claims. More 'focused' campaign and single player modes will do that and they are getting murdered by 6hour timeslots and exclusive focus on multi-player! P.s. Also ME3 is a first-day buy for me but it's getting wayyyyyyyyyy too much coverage on this site!
So does it mean they r going to focus more on multi-player in re6?? Its no secret that capcom wants to be the next activision what with them releasing ultimate editions of the same game within months and rehashing old ips again and again..
Short but well addressed! Like every industry gaming is undergoing a major transition. At the end of the day change is inevitable and as more and more money is pumped into the industry this tug of war will only get more brutal. How ever at the end consumers will too find alternate ways that might not be there now but will emerge with need. Both parties will have to find a middle ground to make it work or incur losses like the music industry( cant remember the last time i bought a music cd instead of just download my songs). Publishers must realise that a point will come that gamers wont be able to pay what they charge to play!
This is why reducing the 'artistry' of a game to a numerical score is harmful to the industry. People automatically assume that a game with a 9.5 is better than 9 and many don't read the entire review. Then they complain about wasting their money in tight economic conditions. How about just talking about a game like it is and let the users decide.......??
Bayonetta! While much of it was pretty over the top, it was about beating up angels and destroying a crazy somewhat religious figure willing to sacrifice millions to bring his God back!
Hollywood has been portraying religion unabashedly for years now. Games with their longer duration and more personal experience than movies, are a great form of expression for some very controversial ideas. That is if game devs are willing to go up against umpteens of censor lunatics in the country. Also must watch movie for people interested in religious discussions: The man from Earth
ash162's comments