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UK Bast**ds Bullying An Elderly

Watch the video.It explains everything.3 UK f*ggots came to Singapore and whatever they do,they also did bullying a Singapore senior citizen and his age his between 75-80 years old.Those 3 looks like adult,but acting like a 6 year old kid!!After the old man using all his strength to take those 3 f*ggots around Singapore,they even left without paying the fare.Its just $10,and they ask for a $5.They have ashamed their own country.And I don't think it was alright to take video of the old man without permission and post it at Youtube titled-Slowest cab in the world(but is deleted) and say 'its just for fun'.Well,its no fun.If that old man was my grandfather,I will make sure they leave that place 'happily ever after'.How 'proud' their parents will be to see their kids like this after been teach by themselves/school.What they done to people,happens to themselves soon.Watch out for your karma.

Some new games and..more new games?

Just bought some new games for my PS2

1.Crash Of The Titans

Interesting game,the new feature of jacking is real fun.But,they change all of the character faces,don't like that too much though.

2 .Looney Tunes:Acme Arsenal

Not as I thought,just played it once so no idea.

3.Tony Hawk: Proving Ground

Just added some cool new targets,new place,still a good game overall.

4.Burnout Dominator

Finally I get my hands on another Burnout game.All looks good except they remove the idea of smashing cars on the sameway.

5.Fifa 08

Eh,just something new.But,I still prefer 06

6.Madden NFL 08

A total copy from 07,better not get it if have 07 ardy.

And I'm still thinking of getting either Orange Box or Crysis.Orange Box,I can get a taste of the some say great Team Fortress 2. The trailer looks funny too and some Half-Life 2.Crysis,the best game of E3,totally can't let go too but I need to get a new Video Card to play it though.Both also cost more then $100 here,so only can get one.

Also got a bad news,when I go to the shop to buy some games, and get my PS2 controller back,I've been told it had KO. Can't be fixed :(.Which I have now is only 1 controller.So,temporarily no dueling till I get a new controller.


4 more blog to 100. :lol:

For this week....

Since its holiday now,I sure tested some demos.And some of them are:


Really a fun FPS game.The graphics and sounds are good.But,I still don't know about the storylines since its a short demo.Here are some screenshots during my play.


I didn't test this one,since Gamespot gave me 2 crashed demo and Xfire gave me one.I'm not gonna play the demo but I might just wait for the real deal.

Exams over and FREEDOM!!!

The exams that we had prepared for 3 years has finally over earlier 9.30am just now.5 days of total exam...very tired of studying and just put all our best effort on it.Now since its all over,its time to get active in lots of things I miss including in Gamespot. School don't control us now but we rule them!!

A level up and a great game for PC

I level up again to level 23.That was few days ago but quite busy studying that time.And also,World In Conflict a rating of 9.5 for PC. Playing the demo really won't be so fun then the full game.Besides,I'm a rookie in that game anyway :P.Don't always score so high in each games.

There is also Enemy Territory:Quake Wars.I don't think I gonna buy this game.Really made me confuse with the control between this game and Battlefield 2142.Certainly,FPS is still my favourite currently.Some news about my PS2,I broke one of my controller and gotta use the other one which I don't usually use.I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus few days ago and I kill the #9 colossus of the game.I just got bored with the game and just decided to get the ending at Youtube.So,the ending totally made me **** up.Ain't gonna continue this game any longer.

Last of all,I have an IMPORTANT exam of the year coming in about.....a week and a half.There are 7 subject and if I get 7A's for the exam,totally I could be guarantee a new handphone or PSP.About next-gen console,I just waiting the price to go low low low.Once it is low at my level,I'm gonna 'snatch' one.

Holiday is over,school is back

The one week of heaven just pass off so fast.Its now 8pm here and tomorrow at 5.30am,waking up and getting to my school bus, and go back to school 'bitter' school.This fast passing holiday might be caused by my non-stop gaming and sleeping alot.Everyday always can't let go of playing Battlefield 2142 and sometime C&C 3:Tiberium Wars.After all thats over,I played some pinball and cool myself.Eventually I set a new record for it too :D.Malaysia independence's day is coming soon,right this Friday at 31st August.Its Malaysia 50th ... day.I don't get what so special about 50th,they went more crazier then the other previous year.They might only do this at 2007, on and all +50.

Rush Hour 3 truly fantastic

About 2 hours ago,I just went to the GSC cinema with Khoo1992 and some friend to watch Rush Hour 3.We reach there by 11am and the show starts at 2pm,so we went to play arcade and then we went to Pizza Hut.We just had to ordered a set that has 2 regular pizza,1 bowl of bread(4),4 bowl of soup and coke as usual.We were actually too full b4 we even went to the cinema because there are only 3 of us eating those food.But,we still get some popcorn and coke at the cinema.

The show is great,full of comedies.Rush Hour 3 is totally the funniest in the series,surely will make 'ya ROFL.Well,no spoilers this time to whoever wanna watch it soon,but I can tell ya.Its acted by Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker :P.I sure you guys know that :lol:.Anyway,this movie is worth it to be watch,either at cinema or VCD/DVD.Out of 10,I will give it a 9.0

Exam is over!!!

Finally,the one week trial exam is over and all the stress are gone now.The final exam would be at early October.It will determines which stream I'm going(Science,Account,Economy).This week is total holiday.I might go to the cinema for my most waited movie of the year..RUSH HOUR 3!!Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan is back in this great fighting and comedy movie :D.Also noticed,Chris Tucker sure get some fat to himself.Well,its a free week and I can do lots of things.

That include coming back to Gamespot.I will catch up for what I miss.

And thats all:OUT

Up by a level to lvl.22

Hehe,finally lvl.22,but it ain't longer then lvl.20 though.Still trying to get myself active here,so I will try my best.

Next week I got a trial-exam anyway,so wish me luck...since I didn't study much :o

Do MY gov. have brains or its under their ****!!!

My school already announce that our trial exam is at 13th August.Well,we all take our time studying since there is stil atleast 2 weeks time.But,this week coming to school...something just made me sick!!!The education ministry just announce that this Friday there will be an exam on Geography ONLY.Darn it,saying there is 2 more weeks,they suddenly say its this Friday and I only read a few chapters!!!

This just makes me more anti-Malaysia now.Our prime minister doesn't have brain,our government doesn't have brain,the leader of the country known as Agong can't even do a thing cause he only serve 5 years for the country and he's so dang old. I would still prefer our Malaysia former PM,our current PM sucks.Already more then 50 or 60 years old(I don't know),wife pass away,go and marry another one after a year.He's gonna make this country might as well act anti- to him.

Haven't post so much lately cuz I'm busy with Battlefield 2142.MY hardwork does pay off and now on my way to the 2142 Hall of Fame.Thats all for now,now continue shooting at 2142.