Gears Of War,the best game of 2006,I made this video with my favourite music.So,get Xbox360 if u wan this game cuz i haven't owned a next-gen
Gears Of War,the best game of 2006,I made this video with my favourite music.So,get Xbox360 if u wan this game cuz i haven't owned a next-gen
A video tat is getting real popular...to who that didn't watch it//plz do so!!!Umum....i dont have any comment to make
CNY refers to Chinese New Year...I so most of you don't celebrate it but if anyone does....i wish you happy CNY.Also..im getting bored gaming all the time...any ideas u could give me to do??I wan to make a new video but don't know which game....get me some idea or else i will juz BOREDDD!!!
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