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WWE NY Revolution storyline.....

First of all,The Intercontinental Champion stay standing wen Jeff defeated Johnny Nitro(as usual) in a steel cage match.Using the steel cage as a weapon,Nitro has no chance and Jeff juz easily walk out of the cage.

           DX vs Rated RKO.Mission complete?No,Rated **** juz got wacked badly by DX(real good)..The best part,H.H.H pedigree Edge and HBK do a flying elbow on Orton and all of it is on both of the announcers table.

            And finally,Umaga 8-month winning streak is OVER cuz John Cena has defeated tat ****** dozer.I bet his crying with Almando blah blah blah.....poor him :P.

             For other matches,i dont take notices though.Now,i got questions.

1.If need to pick from education and gaming,which would u pick?

2.If IF only Playstation exist(include PS3) but not Xbox (both),wat's ur reaction?

3.Ok,a tough long do u intend to gaming?I would say maybe my whole life......

This the Whole **** News from the Chain Gang.

Next-gen Next-gen Next-gen selection!!!!

So,i might get a next-gen console by the end of the year or next,which should i own?360,PS3 or Wii......Wii would possibly not my choice,but i can think about it...and eh haven't being to GS a while cuz my internet connection is too slow due to the earthquake occur at Taiwan destroying 90% of Asia internet connection....

Almost the end of 2006,how you enjoy it?

I find tat tis year is my worst year in school with many strict teacher and lots of homework....i hate being in 1st class....ardy been 6 years since i wen to 1st class.But,tis is a good year too cuz i had learn how to use internet and tats why im hear at Gamespot thanks to some info from Khoo1992 about tis website...If have nothing else,Merry Christmas to everyone and have a Happy New Year to 2007..

I'm back to Gamespot

I haven't been to Gamespot for about 3-4 weeks cuz i have lost my internet it has been fix and im back here again!!Cheers!!