atlessky Blog
WWE NY Revolution storyline.....
by atlessky on Comments
First of all,The Intercontinental Champion stay standing wen Jeff defeated Johnny Nitro(as usual) in a steel cage match.Using the steel cage as a weapon,Nitro has no chance and Jeff juz easily walk out of the cage.
          DX vs Rated RKO.Mission complete?No,Rated **** juz got wacked badly by DX(real good)..The best part,H.H.H pedigree Edge and HBK do a flying elbow on Orton and all of it is on both of the announcers table.
            And finally,Umaga 8-month winning streak is OVER cuz John Cena has defeated tat ****** dozer.I bet his crying with Almando blah blah blah.....poor him :P.
            For other matches,i dont take notices though.Now,i got questions.
1.If need to pick from education and gaming,which would u pick?
2.If IF only Playstation exist(include PS3)Â but not Xbox (both),wat's ur reaction?
3.Ok,a tough long do u intend to gaming?I would say maybe my whole life......
This the Whole ****Â News from the Chain Gang.
Next-gen Next-gen Next-gen selection!!!!
by atlessky on Comments
So,i might get a next-gen console by the end of the year or next,which should i own?360,PS3 or Wii......Wii would possibly not my choice,but i can think about it...and eh haven't being to GS a while cuz my internet connection is too slow due to the earthquake occur at Taiwan destroying 90% of Asia internet connection....
Almost the end of 2006,how you enjoy it?
by atlessky on Comments
I find tat tis year is my worst year in school with many strict teacher and lots of homework....i hate being in 1st class....ardy been 6 years since i wen to 1st class.But,tis is a good year too cuz i had learn how to use internet and tats why im hear at Gamespot thanks to some info from Khoo1992 about tis website...If have nothing else,Merry Christmas to everyone and have a Happy New Year to 2007..
Gamespot,where is it??!!!!
by atlessky on Comments
Does anybody have the link to the Best&Worst of 2006 voting page?If have...plz give me
Need help in downloading games
by atlessky on Comments
Battlefield 2142 music video
by atlessky on Comments
My 2nd version of 2142 video....after watching plz comment
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