atoria56's forum posts
[QUOTE="Symphonia_Zelos"]ss you haven't heard anything cuz it's basicallt the same thing as the 360/ps3 version cjm23
No, as the many poeple before me said, it is nowhere near what it is on 360/PS3. Wii version has no online, no DLC, and is basically a PS2 port.
The worst part is most people say the Wii version is no where near the other console versions because of graphics but this time its because of other features lol.
it has only like 3 games that are worth playing
and thoose 3 games are only worth playing if you already bought the system...
no sence waiting in line 4 it
Apparently your name suits you, because the ability of sight and hearing are no longer working for you.
well i hav it on xbox 360 but my cousin is wondering if its worth and i told him about the track packs and he said he might get it but he wants ur guys opinion he doesnt care about customization or band world tour so i think he should get it wat do u guys think?supraman209
I have no clue, most likely its not very satisfying considering how stripped down it is. No offense, why did you tell us you had the 360 version?
hardcore gamers are losers with no friends who become obese and never leave their houses for long intervals of time, oh wait did i just describe half the kids in america?:question:TheBeast789
I know an associate who is just like that, he's 18 now and the worst part is that he has always been like that since we was kids. Plus he is beast at FPS. lol
I understand your point but the only problem is that you can`t be any category of gamer (I.E. Mature gamer) besides a gamer. Because gaming is a matter of choice, when I was playing games (sega genesis, snes, etc) some of things I played where unexpected. You stated that strategy and tactical games are considered mature to you but the reality is that they cant be mature because there are plenty of kids playing those genres. So therefore "casual", "hardcore", and "mature" gamers are all false ways too generalize people and make others feel better than another gamer.I don't know about "hardcore" gamer. But I know about mature gamer, which I think is the true descriptive word of the so-called hardcore gamers.
I consider myself a mature gamer because at 20, being a gamer since I was 3 (NES and SNES days), I'm looking for games appealing to my age. And that DOESN'T mean exclusively violent games and shooters. I include tactical games, strategic games, adventures and stuff like that. It does NOT mean that Mario Party is not for me, it still is a very entertaining game but more of a party game than a game I'd play alone when i have an hour to spare.
And you have to consider experience. I'm not the most experienced player out there but a lot of kids owning a 360 started their "gaming career" with Halo, if not GTA IV, not Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt in 1990, like I did. But I still loved Galaxy, TP and MP3 and Brawl which are Nintendo products that almost anyone can play, whether you'd be 9 or 33.
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