i forgot to mention the water that is not absorbed into the earth and is in the earth thats where alot of it went to.
Let's say that we could extract all of the groundwater on Earth and let's also say that we could gather all of the water in the atmosphere. Would not cover the earth. Wouldn't even come close.
i really like where you get your facts from those are some pretty convincing sources. lol. consider that the earth is already 75% water.
you asked where it went, not where it came from. the idea is that the atmoshpere contained most of the water, accounting for a difference in the atmospheric gases, which explains the longer life spans preceding the flood.
funny, wasn't it the whole "closer to perfection" thing that made lifespans longer?
who said anything about closer to perfection. He took away eternal life from adam and eve's descendants. Than he flooded the earth which had an additional effect of shortening the lifespans as well.
show me one contradiction in any version of the Bible.
where did all the water go?
evaporated into the atmosphere and almost all of it was left behind and that is why we have our current oceans
If the Earth suddenly got enough water to cover all of the land, it would take a lot to loose it to evaporation. Keep in mind that once water evaporates, it falls back down as rain. The Earth looses very little water to outer space. In addition to that, if that much water did evaporate, and existed in the atmosphere as water vapor, anything in noah's ark would have drowned. Also, the fog caused by the evaporation of all that water would have blocked out the sun for a long, looong time.
i forgot to mention the water that is not absorbed into the earth and is in the earth thats where alot of it went to.
show me one contradiction in any version of the Bible.
where did all the water go?
well, the ocean, and into the ground, underneath which flows a gargantuan amount of water.
So then, god never made it rain, he just somehow made water levitate upwards?
before the flood the bible indicates that there was a canopy of water hovering over the earth and he released that onto the earth. there was no rain before this just streams that watered the earth
It's not really worth pointing out any contradictions in the Bible. Even if you were to find one, somebody would come up with a bogus (or not so bogus) excuse as to why it's there. Cerussite
Oh you mean if you give us an example we will just explain why that is not a contradiction. There are NO biblical contridictions at all.
I'm an atheist because God doesn't exist in my eyes. If I take a look around all I see is blind faith and Christians based on parental upbringing. Most of my friends seem to be atheists too. GodLovesDead
thats funny most of my friends seem to be muslim or christian or hindu. I live in america and only like 11% of americans are athiest
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