I agree. It is a tactical misstep. If you have any complains, you should direct it against the concept of DLC not the way the developer distribute it. Ages ago instead of this "cheap in nature but expensive in price" DLCs, we get nice expansion packs. But right now we get this useless add ons. No one cant help gamers except themselves. Stop complaining and dont buy this stupid weapon skins and additional character.
Your whole argument is false because you have based your argument on an false supposition that game (especially an AAA EA published game) is an piece of art. Games are apparent instances of capitalist industries and art (in the proper meaning of the word as a creative work that express the creators feelings and attitudes per se) is something accidental in them (especially AAA games). They build games totally on customer needs and thats why games like COD dominate the market.
plz plz plz dont reduce any comment on 3DS or PSVITA to stupid console wars. I Prefer 3DS, but i agree with Tom that 2 screens limited our full experience. In fact what made DS a success was not its dual screens, but its touch screen and great library. I hoped that Nintendo drop the dual screen idea for 3DS, because one large screen with good quality is better that 2 low res screens. But Nintendo sacrificed quality of its nex gen handheld because of backward com.
There are too many COD and GOW clones around. I dont have anything against these games, they are enjoyable in their place. but i want my RE to be scary and survival style. Because that was the "essence" of RE games. If Capcom wants to give us COD and GOW clones, they better have balls and make a new ip for that. There arent any good survival horor games around for years (if we exclude amazing Dead Space 1).
Great article. I am a gamer since 1990 and a gamespot user since 2000 and i cant remember any seriously underrated review from gamespot. Reviews are written from objective POV. yes some of us have special affinity to some titles. for example i remember back in 2001 gamespot rated Legaia 2 "7/10" but i bought the game and enjoyed it as a "9/10" game. but i knew that gamespot gave it the right score and if i didnt have nostalgia for legaia series i would gave the same score. so we most distinguish between objective and subjective POV. reviewers try to write their reviews from objective POV, that means they try to look at the game from above and with no probable special affinity. and this sometimes clash with our special feeling about a particular game, our subjective interest.
i dont care if nintendo drop out. because after Gamecube nintendo is a software company and most of the time its hardware is making things worst or harder for gamers. because gamers must buy a low quality piece of hardware to play great nintendo games. this hardware lower the quality of great games because its low specs and at the same time force customers to pay extra $ to buy that. so if nintendo drop out we can play nintendo games on better platforms like sony or microsoft whithout paying extra cash and ate the same time play those great game with better graphics and up to date features.
axlroselm's comments