I would add Dragon Quest Heroes and Bloodborne to the list off the top of my head. As for REmake HD just get the origins collection as it also comes with the remaster of RE0.
Azure64bit's forum posts
Managed to pre-order a copy off Amazon, but if it goes up on BestBuy I'll try there with my GCU to lower the price.
A lot of great stuff from Nintendo in these coming months. Just wish we got some more bundles with amiibo and Fatal Frame/Project Zero got a physical release at least.
Splatoon is a really fun and addictive game. Really sets itself apart from other shooters and demands teamwork to win. Most of all, it's Splatoon's charm that wins me over. The whole world is just so colorful and fun with all the ink, fashion choices, atmosphere, and just everything.
Good news that Nintendo is letting an Indie titles use its own "Amiibo" brand. Will definitely try to get it. Now lets just hope that Nintendo doesn't just give anyone an Amiibo.
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