OMG I never laugh so hard in my life. Wtf is this shit, did they just bring a Third person shooter in Batman. Why the **** does devs think that every goddamn game that is developed mostly for a single player experience needs a fucking multiplayer. Assassin Creed, Mass effect, God of War, now Batman???? Jesus man when this shit going to stop. Not every freaking game needs a multiplayer. This multiplayer better not have any impact on single player. Because i played games that were great single player once then became multiplayer and devs got lazy on single player because they want to make room for multiplayer.
@CreatureRising@ChiefFreemanX-men Origins: Wolverine Was a suprisingly good game. I like it, i think it got a 7.5 from gamespot. Spiderman 2 the movie was also a good movie license game. Like CreatureRising said its very rare to find a decent movie game. 90% will always suck but there are the 10% that are really good.
Hey Capcom I want you to meet my fav Xbox Mr. Jtag. Mr Jtag is only use for greedy ass games companies such as you Capcom. Oh look at him he is drooling over your Ultra Street Fighter IV. Dont worry boy you will get it 3 weeks before initial release. YOU TRY TO **** ME CAPCOM I WILL DEFINITELY **** YOU.
I am hoping that Tom Mcshea review this game. Just to see the shitstorm come piling in. Cuz every big hype game he review, he always starts a huge shitstorm. And for GTA V if he review it, it will become a MEGA SHITSTORM. I will get my popcorn ready.
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