Doesnt matter to me this gen is my last for consoles anyway, I am haloed out anyway i think playing halo 1-4 is enough. My PC is powerful enough to last me for 5 years before i think of upgrading it. So im good. What the point of playing a console if it getting close to becoming a PC. There is no point of getting one.
@Korvus85 @badman11226 I think gamespot better increase their server security cuz if GTAV gets lower than 9, shit i think people are expecting a 10. They better prep for a potential DDOS attack.
True, shit i remember when 8 was like the standard good enough even for hype games. This generation have spoiled alot of people. I wonder if there will be shitstorm when a big hype game gets a 9 in the next gen. HOLY SHIT IF GTA V gets a 8.5 I will have my beer, steak, and a nice view of that huge shit storm.
To end this stupid fanboy rage, I think gamespot should do is have a panel with at least 4 reviewers to review the most hyped games. They all sit around, each tell the pos and neg of the game. Then at the end give their scores and averaged it out. That will be the final score. But i can still see if Last of Us was review, 3 of 4 reviews give it a 9 and Tom Mchea gave it a 8, A shitstorm will still be coming in full force. I guess you cant stop fanboy rage.
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