Damn this used game messed is showing the true greed. I get business you want to maximize ur product but when it reach to a point where you harming ur customers wallet. You can go EFF URSELF. These companies like EA, MS, are making billions but their greedy ass want to make more. When is enough is enough. This next gen show me how greed is going to destroy the gaming for the customer. And for that i wont be joining it. Here is my goodbye ti ur greedy MOFOS.
I wonder if gaming consumer know they have the power and dictate where the console goes. If gaming consumers dont want to be **** by a company then dont buy their products, Its simple as that. I love the ps1 and ps2 , didnt get into the ps3 so i got a xbox360 because i just thought it just better simple as that. Now im looking toward the future and see which company would **** me the less in the next gen. Sony or MS, and the route that MS took of really fucking the gaming community over, Im going to PC or PS4. Xbox 360 - Xbox 1 = 359 steps backwards. These are the steps MS has taken into the next gen. Im glad the gaming community has raise their voice, finally people are saying no more this BS CORPORATE GREED MS IS SHOWING. I applaud everyone let ur voice be heard. DONT NOT LET THIS GREED CONTINUE **** MS.
badman11226's comments