I never laugh so hard in my life. My sides are literally killing me omfg. This is the greatest Feedbackula ever. Damn fanboy rage, love it so funny :). You guys need to do a feedbackula for the xbox always online.
MS really dude. Stop being a fanboy and open ur damn eyes. Its doesnt matter if its SONY OR MS. They are both doing the same thing. Trying to milk people wallet as much as they can. Trying hard to restrict gamers freedom as hard as they can. Are you telling me Sony could not make the ps4 bc, they choose not to so they can make people buy the PS3 game they already own again in their ps store. They rumors about ps4 was true, they were rumors of ps4 not being bc before it became official.
People are to blame for this shit, all you idiots MS fanboys and Sony fanboys are helping corporate gaming abuse the shit out of their power. Instead of standing up to these clown, yall bend over and prefer to be ass rape by these clowns. Now the next gen is so bad and yall just shrug yall shoulder and get on ur knees and zip down MS or Sony Pants.
Doesnt matter to me, I wont be joining the next gent era. After seeing the ps4 and reading the xbox 3 rumors yup this gen is it for me. When people are going to stop being followers and say no no nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo to theifs of coporate gaming. Microsoft, Sony, Capcom, Activision, Ea. Etc. When the **** people are going to say enough of this bullshit. Well im one of those people **** u MS and **** u too Sony. You aint robbing my wallet anymore.
Capcom, EA, Activision are the worst and added to this list Ubisoft with the AC series. Quality will always beat Quantity. These companies I mention will never get it as long as fanboys keep support them. They will never stop miking the series.
Damn they just release AC3 and now AC4 is getting release this year. What they going to start release AC every freaking year. So im going to expect AC5 in 2014???? Man they are miking the ISH out of this series.
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