I knew this game was going to suck, It been years since there was a good alien game. They have flopping for the past nearly 2 decades. The last good alien i think i played was on the Playstation 1. I think it was Alien Trilogy for the ps1
In this gen the game industry is already in the HITS(put S in front). With the DLC era its bad enough already, to think that i grew up in the snes days where its feel good to unlock a content after beating a game now you have to buy it. Now the they want to get rid of used game even though its a rumor but still not be fooled if sony and Ms did not have this thought in the back of their greedy heads. I not even going to the next gen, its funny when i played games on the snes, sega genesis days i never felt rip off but now i do.
Sweet i cant wait for 3D contact lenses /sarcasm. I dont know watz worse , the overhype of 3D, grown a$$ people using Twitter, Justin Beiber(dont care if i spell his name wrong). We are a nation full of gullible idiots.
I would take halo reach weapons and halo 3 vehicles, Everything else not a big difference. Its not a huge leap from halo 3 but its a little improvement. Its not going make you going holy bleep, but i would take gameplay before i chose graphics anyday.
badman11226's comments