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bairdo_25 Blog

My Birthday

Today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!! Whooooooooooo. July the4th!I am now one year older then last.

For my birthday I got Supernatural S1, Bones S1, Robin Hood S1 and a lot of clothes,

And a lot of money. So I decided to go and see Transformers for it with my brother and sister. So that will be cool.

Catchya later xoxo

Some quotes and The return of Ben Cousins.

Here are some quotes:

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't

BRB has lost all meaning......since when did BRB mean "Be back in four hours after lunch?"

The Vending Machine Theory: "Stuff tastes better when it falls."

Don't drink water - fish have sex in it

I'm not racist, racism is a crime, and crime is for black people

You shouldn't say anything mean about people who can't read. You should write it instead.

I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.

Children in the dark cause accidents, accidents in the dark cause children

Before you insult a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you insult him, you'll be a mile away, and have his shoes.

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

I live in Australia and the majority of the populatio follow asport in my country and it'sAFL, (Australian football league) I barrack for the West Coast Eagles, my favourite player would be Ben Cousins. He hasnt played all year to substance abuse. He went over to L.A and received treatment for over three months. Now Ben is back and cleared for training and may be ellagble to play this week against Brisabne. Although his position has been filled by an excellent player, Matthew Priddis I shall be glad for the return of Ben Cousins.

Ben Cousins Ben Cousins (left) and the skipper Chris Judd (right) with the premiship cup in 06

Quotes and a banner

Here's just a couple of quotes and I recently decided to getone of those board banners so here it is:

When life gives you lemons, cut them in half and squirt life in the eye!

Fight the rich not there wars

Killing people is not the solution it's the problem

I dream of a better tomorrow... where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives

Duct tape is like 'the force, it has a dark side, a light side and it holds the universe together

Coffee just isn't my cup of tea

I was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. So I said, "Got any shoes you're not using?

Silence is Golden and Duct tape is Silver

I cut my finger. That's tragedy. A man walks into an open sewer and dies. That's comedy.

News at my school

Hey all!!

Lately at my school there has been a lot of media spot light. Why you ask? That would be because there is a student at my school whom is disabelled I cannot remember what she has it may Cerebral palsy. She hasnt been at school the past two week becausae her family says that the school banned her. In the article she says she has missied two weeks of school and that it was all the pricples decision. Now I go to a catholic school and we talk about all the time in our religion classes that we accept everyone in every way. From my past religion teachers ways this goes against everything that they have taught me.

This is what a year 12 student published on the papers site

Interestingly enough, I know for a fact that Morgan was not banned, but that her parents chose not to send her to the school, as I attend SHC. It sound to me like Morgan, who appears to enjoy her time there, is not attending by choice. The besmirching nature of this article simply distorts the events, and Morgan is a welcome member of the College

Here is the link if you seem interested:,21985,21843138-2862,00.html

Couple of Quotes

I'd like to meet the person who invented sex, and see what they're working on now

I feel bad for people who die on Valentine's Day. How much would flowers cost then, ten grand?

I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.

Quotes Results

Well the results are in and I would also liked to say thanks for all that voted.

Well in third place with 4 points was When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

In second place with 7 points was Have you ever thought people talk to themselves because they like dealing with a better class of people...


And the winner of my 50 quotes in 50 or so days was: If you cannot make someone you love, love you. Then you can only stalk them and hope for the best


Quote 50

So here is the last quote. Now remember pm dont put your answers in the comments. So pm and then with your favourite one put three next to it for three point ands then for your second fav you put two points and then your third fav you put 1 point.

 If we're all God's children, what makes Jesus so special?

So thanks for voting and commenting and if you dont want to go through all my blogs for your three fav just leavce it in the comments or pm me and I'll send you the list
