[QUOTE="ballistic3188"] Unlike many here i have to say that mass effect was probably the most dissapointing of bioware games.
to get what i mean play baldur's gate or kotor and then play mass effect. the charcterization were rather weak this time a round. sure they talked about thier past like all of them but their comments in conversation with other Npcs were almost non-existent. there was no just outstandiung character. in baldur's gate you had minsc in kotor you had hk-47 in jade empire you had the black whirlwind. each one had a memorable personality and your just missing that in mass effect.
the side quest were much weaker as well. most were explore planet and eliminate the people there. there was no human connection no quirky characters. the enviroments were weak as well once you go to close quarters it is the same the same room with boxes moves into different places. in essense there was little to no difference between one planet and the next.
the main story was fine I liked it seemed a little more cliche than kotor or jade empire. but the main quest was fun.
all in all it was medicore not great. hopefully they will fix those problems the second time around.
"Go for the eyes, Boo....GO FOR THE EYES!"
"Butt-kicking for goodness!"
"Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, watch out, I'm big!"
"What? Boo is outraged! See his fury! It's small, so look close. Trust me, it's there."
"I have lost myself in your words but Boo thinks you're just ducky."
"Despair not! I shall inspire you by charging BLINDLY ON."
"Boo will have clean wood shavings, you evil bastards!"
Gawd I love Minsc. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gotta love him. one of my favorites
Protagonist: I seek entry to the asylum. Can you help with this?
Desharik: Spellhold? Why would you want to go there? Hardly a sociable place for decent folk.
Protagonist: I... I need to be admitted. I need... I need help. I need to be confined.
Desharik: You wish me to have you thrown into the asylum? That is certainly an odd request, through not in itself an indication of madness. What are you trying to accomplish? I can indeed have people committed to Spellhold, but why would you request it?
Protagonist: I am clearly deranged. Look who I travel with! Minsc, meet the Pirate Lord!
Minsc: Pirate Lord? Such a name does not conjure images of righteous behavior. Stand still a moment and let Boo have a look at you.
Desharik: Er, why is your friend pointing a hamster at me?
Minsc: Boo will soon have you figured out. You certainly seem friendlier that I would think a Pirate Lord would be. And where is your peg?
Desharik: My--- what?
Minsc: Your peg, A proper pirate has a peg, whether a leg, arm or... uh... some other expendable extremity. And a parrot.
Desharik: A parrot?
Minsc: Certainly! As I have my Boo, so too must you have your parrot. Boo likes parrots. They could wrassel.
Desharik: I've seen enough. Congratulations, you are on your way to Spellhold. You are clearly a danger to the general community. By the gods. I think I'm stupider for talking to you. Stupider? More Stupid? Get them out of my sight, all of them! They may all have this disease of the mind.
it things like this I that are missing in Mass effect. need more fun and charcter interactions
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