I can't figure out why the Wii balance board is so expensive. Is there some kind of advanced technology in it, or is it basically just a pressure sensitive board?
I applaud Nintendo for being able to absolutely milk consumers blind. First they sell a console with slightly worked-over gamecube hardware for 250% more than what the Gamecube sold for. Next, they make their bland games out to be "genre defining", "breakthrough" titles, yet nobody seems to play them according to Neilsen. And now, they are selling a $5 piece of plastic for $100 under the guise of it being good for kids, and actually selling out of them.
I just got done finishing up the first Grand Prix in Mario Kart wondering why I bought this game which looks like garbage and takes cheap shots every chance it gets...
A. the wii is two times more powerful than a gamecube and includes wifi which apparently to microsoft is worth 90 bucks.
B. the the balence board is worth more than 5 bucks. the fact that it is wireless and presure sensors sensitive to 10 lbs to 300lbs
C. the wii has had more total software sales then PS3 and xbox in the first 18 months
i guess they are gimmicks. but that is using the standard definition "an ingenious or novel mechanical device ". not the what the hell all the fanboys are going on about. it is an exercising game peripherial with minigames. it not unlike the guitar peripherial for guitar hero or the DDR pad used in DDR. they have their one use and do what they do effectively. sure it doesn't target you "hardcore" gamers but to those non-gamers it is easy interface to manipulate. in that effect is an ingenious device.
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