@wrngsurgeon: He's not fear mongering that's literally what major reviewers have been doing.
"It’s a timely story that could at least try to address the polarized nature of current American politics, or talk about the issues inherent in a country that seems to worship firearms. But I never saw anything that hinted at how these cultists were radicalized. And their ultimate goal, revealed at the end of the game, undercuts any grand statement."
Polygon Review 6.5/10
Look things up before assuming someone's playing alt-right. If you don't you just look like an uninformed fool.
Gamers can't get a break left, right or center. Clinton was stupid on this issue. Bush was stupid on this issue. Obama was stupid on this issue. I was hoping Trump wouldn't go down this road but oh well I guess.
@RossRichard: That's what I've been saying from the beginning. The story is so cheap and meaningless cuz there's no one direction or vision to the series. There just one off's tacked together.
@Dilandau88: Each movie has had a different director... It's obvious they didn't have an overarching story planed if you watch the The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi back to back.
Its cuz they've turned the show into constant poorly scripted shootouts. The shootouts look like fan made YouTube videos. I still watch the show to keep up with the characters and all but the action in the show has become awful.
I'm still gonna say there's a 90% that Rey's parents are't nobodies. The fact that the revel was simply Kylo telling her that rather than showing her a real vision of what happened tells me they are leaving the possibility open.
It's not that I can't stand the idea of her parents being nobodies. It's just knowing how these things seem to go in movies.
@saroban23: "Think about the type of person that actually takes the time to create an account and write up a review on RT. Those people are IN NO WAY representative of general audiences."
Dude you literally just need a Facebook account to review on there. People of every stripe write reviews there, heck my mom is the type of person to put reviews up. It's such a mainstream platform that they sometimes put the score on the wrapping of new DVDs.
Balrogbane's comments