@Mogan: Though I don't think Activision is writing them checks or anything, it isn't hard to see that game sites have a vested interest in these games scoring well. I mean they are being paid for ad space all the time. What plays before any of their videos? A CoD WWII ad. They are being paid to promote the game. And then what happens to the new game ads after high review scores? They use the scores in their ads to promote the game more "10/10 IGN, 9/10 GameSpot, 9.5/10 GameInformer"
Like I said I don't think Activision sat down and wrote them a check to get a high score, but they have a symbiotic relationship which could be the difference in a review point or two.
@jone_g2: I'd say the reason the Xbox fanboys are using the graphics argument so hard is because that's all Sony ponies would keep screeching about for the past 3 years.
@livedreamplay: When I said "pay for them again" that means you've already paid for them once. See the word "again" means that the object being spoken of has happened before at some point.
Yeah who would want to play those games for free when you can pay for them again. Wow Sony you really get me. You really speak directly to us financial masochists.
They better not screw this one up. I don't know how they possibly could. Just make it R rated and have a lot of aliens/people shredding each other with machine guns and chainsaws. But I'm sure they'll figure out a way to screw even that up.
I hate SJW's as much as the next guy but I don't really see a problem here as long as they aren't shoehorning women into the American, British, or German armies in the campaign for the sake of "inclusiveness." Let people play as whatever they want in the multiplayer for all I care.
That said, I probably won't be getting the game anyway.
Though I'm still not that likely to pick it up, I'll be paying closer attention to it now than I would if it had been more of the same future warfare garbage that we've been fed for the better part of a decade.
Balrogbane's comments