The first one was really pretty and had awesome sound design and that's about it. The shooting was pretty much spray and pray, the loading screens were criminally long, the weapon selection is painfully limited, more than half of the games current content are held captive behind pay walls, there was no real single player, the map designs were uninspired at best, and the list goes on.
It was a disappointment through and through and there's a reason it currently fills bargain bins everywhere for around 8 bucks.
As for this one I have no intent of wasting a dime on it.
If they weren't constantly trying to shove lame perorder offers down my throat, and didn't try to sell used games for north of 50 bucks, maybe I would consider shopping there. Until they do a complete overhaul of the way they operate I will continue to buy games from Amazon and eBay.
It really isn't that surprising if you've been following the development. EA was the first and most obvious red flag. BioWare and EA's obsession with diversity hiring quotas was also to blame. A lightening of attention on character and more on action was never going to be good. And on top of that they tried to shoehorn in microtransactions.
In no world was this game going to be great. They removed/halfassed everything that was noteworthy about the series.
@tothharrison: The reason they get politically motivated hate is because they insist on politically charging every one of their games. Everyone one of their games is a sermon as well as a game. And that rubs many people, myself sometimes included, the wrong way.
They opened the political/social-statement can of worms and as a result shouldn't be surprised when possible consequences of that come back to them.
This is actually pretty interesting. When I first heard of it I thought it was going to be some crappy streaming service. And I would say game streaming is the worst direction gaming could possibly take. This however looks user friendly. Download games and play them on or offline and play as much as you want, sounds like a good way to to test drive some games rather than blowing a bunch of money.
Balrogbane's comments