This game really is an insult to the RTS genre. Games like Age of Empires back in the late 90s had way more features and more teams, more everything basically.
@Bjjallday: Actually yes I've trained in both wrestling and BJJ for several years now. It's one of my favorite hobbies even though I'm not that great at it.
My saying only took a couple seconds was meant as more of a complement to how good the choke was. There was no way he was going to get out of it.
What in high hell is he talking about? Luke is such a raging heterosexual that he was about ready to do it with his sister.
I really hope they don't do that to his character. Everyone has loved him just the way he is for nearly the past 40 years. They have no reason to change him like that now.
I really don't understand all the hissy-fits surrounding Xbox games going to PC and vice versa. So what if games can be enjoyed on different platforms? People just need to learn to just calm down and eat some fruit or something.
Balrogbane's comments