How low comments on the internet can get never cease to amaze me. I mean seriously people, if you disagree with someone doesn't mean you should piss on their grave. I would dare say that most people crapping on him don't even know much about him (I don't know a lot about him either). They just hear some things about him they don't agree with and that's all they need to damn him. After all, how dare someone disagree with your sense of morality and social ideas you pulled off of Tumblr.
I agreed with the man on some things and disagreed on others. He was a man who stuck to his guns, and whos opinions didn't drift like a wind-sock. And I send my sympathies to his family and have no shame in saying "rest in peace"
I've said this before, but I've always thought it was amusing that when an exclusive gets another platform, the owners of the platform that still DOESN'T have it, come to gloat. It happens with every platform.
That said I'm always glad to see games be launched on as many platforms as possible. This game has been on my radar for a while.
Episodic can work in some games like The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us because they are story driven games. A game like Hitman however, is not story driven, or at least is shouldn't be.
Balrogbane's comments