"Victim is male, mid-twenties, five-foot-ten, apparently healthy. There seems to be substantial bruising on the cheek, chin, and forehead. Several bones in the victims wrist and hand are broken. Yes this seems to be a clear case of 'extreme face-palm trauma'".
I really don't see how this game will fly. Mainly there can't be any weapon variety. In other games there would be explosives, pistols, shotguns, rifles, bows, knives, ect. In this there could only be spears, clubs, and bows, which would get kind of stale after a while. In order for this game to work that well it would have to be a spin-off type game like Blood Dragon.
@virtuasega: It's fairly simple but over all I enjoyed it a lot. You feel very free to move in combat and the jetpack is fluid and a unique combat mechanic that you continually have to use. It has a lot of neat weapons too.
The A.I is probably the main problem with the game. There will be times you just poke your head out from behind a building an then a mile away you get sniped by a sand person.
Overall I found it to be fun. It has a good story. And it has pretty good replay value.
Balrogbane's comments