I still don't get why It's so successful. It's not a bad console and I have enjoyed mine, but when you compare it to what the PS2 did for gaming, it hasn't got a leg to stand on. The PS2 was a huge technology leap, the PS4 (and X1) are already under-powered. The PS2 had nonstop new games, the PS4 just has a few worth getting excited for.
Overall I do think the PS4 does deserve to be ahead of the X1, but neither deserve their success. Neither did anything to push gaming to exciting new places. The consoles are already struggling to keep up with what devs are able to create. It pisses me off that these consoles sell so well their creators were lazy and did just enough to get by. And what makes it worse is were going to be stuck sitting on top of these mediocre devices for another 5-6 years.
This could lead to some really great games. Although hope it doesn't just make a bunch of games that would have been multiplatform to become exclusive.
@dnsfw_jamus: So if I go out and shoot some hoops in my driveway am I a basketball player? If I film my friends and I dicking around, am I a director? If I write "roses are red violets are blue a leghorns a chicken and so are you" am I a poet?
Again a lot of these studies don't seem to take into account what games people are playing. If you count Candy Crush, Angry Birds, or Farmvhile the number is going to be way higher than it would be otherwise. I'm all for women playing games, but the claim that there are just as many hardcore female gamer as male gamers is so easily disproved just buy walking into a games store or convention.
To me this question seems to be like asking someone if they play sports. You may be a serious member of a team, or you might just enjoy throwing around a football with your buddies. Each are quite different but they can both count as "playing sports."
Balrogbane's comments