The amount of hate for Lucas never ceases to amaze me. Everyone despises him for "ruining Star Wars" when it was he who made it to begin with. So the prequels weren't as good as the originals, so what? That doesn't lessen the other movies.
Plus it's not like the prequels were complete crap movies. Were they as good as the originals? Not really. Are they still entertaining movies with an overall good story? Yes. Just because there was Jar Jar in parts doesn't make the rest of it bad too.
Was there really actually anyone offended by this? If so they should have their head examined, because this is one of the most trivial things to be pasted on the internet for a while.
When I first heard "PS2 games may soon play on the PS4" I was like "Wow, what a gamer friendly and good idea; time to dust off my PS2 library" But what we get is not some great gamer friendly concept, but rather a sad overpriced excuse for backwardscompatibility.
Am I upset that my PS4 can't play my PS2 games, no. I'm disappointed that they would make a claim to that effect and then dump this on our heads.
I try not to be super negative about most games, but this one is really an exception for me. I hated it. I wish that it had crashed and burned and been a major loss for EA. Sorry, but that's just me.
And what's worse is I loved the first two and still play them from time to time. So usually when I say I hated it I get the typical responses of either "you're a hipster" "You're just no good at it" or "Take off you're rose-tinted glasses when looking at the old ones." I went back and played the old ones yesterday and I can say without a shadow of a doubt they were more solid games. They just felt better put together, form the map design, to the vehicle system, to having a campaign, to the space battles in 2, and most the combat didn't just feel like random laser spewing, unlike in the new one.
Balrogbane's comments