Congrats I guess. I still don't think either the X1 or PS4 deserve their high sales numbers though. Neither has done anything to move gaming forward, just a slight power upgrade.
Even though I never would buy this weird game even if it came to the U.S, I can't stand the idea that it can't be published without a lynch-mob of activists going after it.
Is the game for perverted weirdos? Yes. Should perverted weirdos be able to buy and sell it to the adult audience without fear? Also Yes.
I still regularly play on my 360, it was the console I used the most last gen. It did a good job of moving the medium forward like the PS2 did the gen before it and the PS1/N64 before it.
It's a shame that this gens consoles aren't near as much of a step forward for gaming as the 360 was.
Good, finally something gamer friendly and useful coming. All those HD remasters being sold at 40+ dollars and whatnot weren't my idea of backwards compatible, or what ever you want to call it.
I'm enjoying Halo 5 but it really pisses me off that people are so stupid as to consistently buy stuff in a game they already payed for. Microtransactions are inexcusable, they rip off the player. At the current rate of things we'll be paying for multiplayer after already paying for the game. We already have games like Battlefront ripping out maps from the game and selling them to you a day after release.
I'm not against DLC or expansions but they need to add post-release content.
Balrogbane's comments