I may have to get the game now just to repeat last nights fight over and over again. I can see it now her limp body smacking the mat. I respect Ronda as a fighter, but MAAAAAN I'm I glad someone finally just shut her up.
I played the beta for a few hours and after doing so I have decided not to go anywhere near it. It had it's moments but the one map that felt consistently fun was Hoth, all the others just felt like random laser spewing and hoping for the best.
Witcher 3 is a good pick for game of the year, I'm loving fallout 4 but the over all quality doesn't quite stand up the the Witcher. I doubt Bloodborne will be game of the year. It was fun and all but just imagine if it was considered the peak of 2015, that would be kind of sad.
@darksynced: Because people on the internet need to feel special and unique and they try to accomplish this by bashing things others enjoy.
But I thought only games that ignored a solid single-player and rehashed a crappy multiplayer instead sold these days.
I'm kind of glad to see it, hopefully the sales gap will narrow so both companies are forced to compete tooth and claw to keep consumers happy.
Translation: We dumbed down the game to appeal to the casuals, rather than our existing fans.Eat a bucket of d**ks, Capcom.
Balrogbane's comments