[QUOTE="bandieramonte"] [QUOTE="Musa_007"]
When did an overcloked Q6600 beat an overclocked E8400 in crysis?:?
You got the charts right here, didn't you see that the overclocked Q6600 outperformed the overclocked E8500 in almost all cases? But of course, I also said that the difference is marginal...
And no an E8400 at 4.2Ghz is substantially faster than a Q6600 at 3.4Ghz.However the problem is that most games are not that demanding on such powerful CPU's at stock let alone Oced so that's why you wont see much difference between Q6600@3.4 and E8400@4.2.The GPU is going to be the bottleneck with such speeds however there will be some games still which will need alot of CPU power and ofcourse there will be games in the future.
By the time that games will be even more CPU demanging, on that future that you're talking about, games will be utilizing the 4 cores more efficiently because the devs are beginning to focus more on the utilization of the 4 cores. By that time the performance gap between quads and dual will begin to be significantly felt.
If your talking about the charts I posted above, your looking at them wrong. Any difference of 2 FPS or less can be atributed to error and is meaningless, you can not state that the Q660 is better based on this. If you take all the tests together and find the average the OC E8400 beats the OC Q6600 but it is less than a 2 FPS difference so again its a tie.
These charts are actually bad for the Q6600 because Crysis was written to support quad core and even with that extra help, the Q6600 just catches up to the E8400.
Before continuing with this argument, I must first make an immediate important question: were those benchmarks taken in Windows XP or in Windows Vista? If it was on the later, was it on 32 bit or 64 bit?
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