@dylan35: Lol so not downgraded, just pissed off Xbox fans pretending like they care about 4k blu-ray. Pretty sure less than 0.001% of gamers use their blu-ray for movies. I think I used it two times and I've had it since launch.
@soulfulDAGGER: ZeniMax is not claiming that they created VR. They claimed they (includes Carmack) built something and that Carmack took it and ran to Oculus with it. ZeniMax put money and resources into a project and if that project was used in some shape or form at Oculus then they do have a claim. Here's another way to look at it, if you pay someone (Carmack) to work for you and he/she uses company time and resources to do work for another company, how would you feel?
At first, this did sound crazy but when you look at the evidence, it's starting to look bad for Oculus. The change in tone says everything. It went from Oculus calling it "absurd" and "ridiculous" to now being "ZeniMax trying to capitalize on missed opportunity". I mean the conversation between Zuckerberg and Amin (deal maker) is crazy too:
Amin to Zuck: "There are things they told us that are simply not true.”
Zuck:"keep pushing forward until we have something we can sign on a moment’s notice, then we can figure out how long we wait for diligence.”
Shame, I loved this studio. Thought Killzone Mercenary was pretty darn good as well as LittleBigPlanet Vita (best in series imo). RIGS wasn't for me but most multiplayer games aren't. I'd wish they were given another chance to do something cool, they did great work!
@simplytheebest: OR!!! If you think about it X1 is 30% more powerful than Switch, which if you think about it, it's a smaller gap than X1 to PS4 (PS4 is 50% more powerful than X1). Plus, it's a customized one, it's quite possible that with optimizations the Switch could reach the power of X1.
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