I played a few, and there are a couple that I picked up and haven't gotten to yet, but plan to eventually.
Baron_Machina's forum posts
I'd definitely recommend it.
There's a lot of fantastic games on the PS4, and honestly the PS5 is probably gonna be late 2020.
So you can train an amiibo as an AI fighter, but apparently they can also unlock the character of the amiibo.
You can still unlock regularly in the game and the first feature is honestly just a "oh that's cool" type of thing, so no, they are not necessary.
Overall, it looks really nice and is an ok game, but I'd honestly just rather play an actual Zelda game instead.
My hope is some more villains to the roster, as well as showing off how different suits perform. They apparently have actual gameplay uses, so I REALLY hope that Iron Spider suit comes with the robotic spider legs!
I'm not sure it would rejuvenate it, but it would certainly at least help it. I feel like delaying Crackdown 3 for the seventh time would have killed any remaining hype that anyone had left for it. Xbox fans need some kind of exclusive to look forward to, whether its a big sequel or some new IP.
Well, it's not going to stop certain publishers from still using these practices, but it's a start I guess. If it's important enough to receive an on the box warning, at the very least companies like EA and Konami can't pass it off like it's not a big deal.
Actually went and saw this last Saturday. The movie was freaking awesome and totally did justice to Black Panther's character and lore. The action is sick, Wakanda looks awesome, and all the characters are really well developed. Plus the movie does a great job at feeling both like an action/sci-fi while also feeling really spiritual. All in all, everything in this movie is really well done, and I highly recommend it. It's also getting me really hyped up for Infinity War.
I actually like the concept of remakes and remasters (especially remakes). They make older games that are harder to find more available, sometimes help a game get the attention it deserved but didn't get initially, and some remakes actually help get rid of some of the age off of a game. As for a few games I think need them...
Skies of Arcadia: This is honestly an amazing RPG and I feel like more people need to experience it. Right now the only versions you can play are the original Dreamcast version and the Gamecube Legends port, which honestly makes it difficult to come by nowadays. I feel like with a graphical update (probably would look somewhat similar to how Dragon Quest XI looks) and maybe some more side content like the stuff they added in Legends, and this could be an amazing remake. The combat, story and music are honestly fantastic on they're own though, and I recommend this to anyone who enjoys turn based RPGs.
Mega Man Legends/Legends 2: I'm honestly still a little salty about the cancellation of 3, but as far as spin-offs go, I thought Legends was really well done. The story and characters are interesting, the music is really well done, the art style is clearly trying to be like an Anime on the PS1, and the gameplay feels like Mega Man with a bit of Zelda thrown in, specifically with level layout and Z targeting. It's controls have aged a good bit and of course the graphics are pretty dated, but that's the point of a remake. With a new coat of paint, some touched up controls and maybe even some new content, I think that Legends and it's sequel can still shine. And if they got remakes, maybe we could..... get that 3rd game?..... Capcom?....... Ok probably not.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance: Either a remake of the first or a sequel, this series needs to live on. The first Ultimate Alliance was a ton of fun, giving players a huge roster of superheroes, allowing co op with up to four players, and surprisingly well done RPG mechanics. They re released it on PS4 and Xbox One, but it was really just a basic port job and I feel like this game needed a visual overhaul. It was one of those games that was originally released on the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era consoles as well as the PS3/Xbox 360, so the graphics are pretty dated. Honestly, I just really want this series to continue. It has a lot of potential, and there's still so much of the Marvel Universe that could be used as material for these games.
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