maybe skills available. I remember something about skills in the game. I have yet to get the game, I am picking it up after work. but that would be my guess based off what i have read so far about it
basskill2000's forum posts
The Name is Basskill2000, but my DJ name is Drakonis as was my last bands internal nickname. but I play Bass guitar, currently on hiatus from the band scene, but I have with a number of different local bands including... Burn Them All, A Bleeding Dischord (later to be know as After Chidori), Sourground, and Leak... Among other little projects that i goofed off with like a mortal kombat slam core band, forrest gump parody Slam Core band, and a temporary stint in Tenstrong.
Currently I am doing some metal DJin for old promoters in my area, and gaming a lot too.
I listen to a bit of everything, but Metal and Rock are my primary pleasures
Hope to discuss all thing metal with you guys. TTYS
no i am open to both consoles. i have a limited library of games for PS3, yet i do prefer XBOX over PS3, i am keeping an open mind on both. just have specific opinions
yea i do. when you look at a bunch of site for game reviews and GameSpot is the only one that tears it apart and the others rate higher... there is something wrong with gamespot reviewers perception on things. But i do say there are SOME games that they get right. Maybe its the reviewer themselves, the guy could be a RPG style player, but is reviewing a fighting game, he judgement is clouded based on his own preference. I could be wrong. but that is what it seems. that is my Opinion on the matter. You dont have to like it or agree to it, nor do i care if you do. So with that I am ending this conversation now.
all i did was state my opinion of the rating. nothing more, and nothing less.
some of gamespots review are pretty good, but lately they have been lacking.
the way they advertised it was like it went out to public same day, I was unaware of that. bt i felt the demo was still too short. they could have given us a little more to mess with, maybe a boss at the end instead of the random battle royal. I spend 5 minutes in fights, and about 20 exploring. it wasnt much to write home about.
I got 2 things the kinda peaved me about the demo.
1st and foremost - Why put a Early Access tag on GoW:Ascension when all you do is release it the same day as everyone else gets it anyway. that made no sense at all..
2nd - WAY WAY WAY TOO SHORT. we fought a total of 6 dudes (not including the quick Button sequence when you first meet the clickers) I, for one, was just getting into it and started to get a feel for it, when BAM, Demo over. They could have given us a little more, especially since us "Early Access" people had to wait just as long as everyone else.
I am still going to get the game, I thought it was great either way. but those 2 things got to me.
correct sir, that does get annoying, so I shut it off the same wayturn on 3 private slots should work
well, my opinion is the game is great I see 7 to 7.5 would be a decent and fair score for it. Gamespot has always been a harsh game rater.
every other site i look at for my game reviews gave the game between 6.5 and 7.5 including gameinformer. while on the same hand all those sites realize it is a rehash of the 1st game, but they also realized there was more (i.e. weapons, mods, and even a new character that was compared to the likes of chuck norris in one review i read)
so I have lost faith in Gamespot reviewers. i take them with a grain of sal now a days.
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