This is my track by track review of Neighborhoods. If you don't know what Neighborhoods is, than I wouldn't bother looking at this note. :P
1) Ghost on the Dance Floor - This is a punk AVA song. I love it. Great opening track with a riff that is so catchy it's almost annoying. Tom's vocals are more blink/Box Car influenced however, and there is no worries for those who don't appreciate AVA because Tom doesn't do his yodeling voice, and he sounds more raw. The lyrics are great, full of imagery and of a dark tone. Excellent opener.
2) Natives - One of my least favorites, but I still enjoy it. The chorus and the verses don't mesh very well imo. But all in all, I still like it. I love the lyrics though. And I also love the cl@ssic blink riff breakdown a lot as well. Makes me feel all giddy inside.
3) Up All Night - Very obvious why this was a single because it's the easiest to like. I love the tradeoff of Tom and Mark between the lines, and I like the bizarre dark punk riff (think Box Car) that starts and ends the song. The chorus is beyond catchy as well which is always a plus. The opening AVA riff is awesome as well. Definitely in my top 5 of the album.
4) After Midnight - The "I Miss You" of this cd with the slower tempo, this song is irrestible. I love how Tom does the verses and Mark does the chorus. I also love how the breakdown fades away from the alternative metal-ish riff, and it builds really well into the final chorus. I also can really relate to the lyrics, which is of no surprise. All in all, probably in my top 5 as well.
5) Snake Charmer - This song is definitely a homage to The Cure, and has an interesting eerie riff throughout. Definitely a standout for me because I love 80s music, especially The Cure, and I love the creepy lyrics as well. All in all, this is a dark masterpiece of a song, but I wish Mark had a somber portion of the song to add a bit more of sadness. I love the 'Ahhhhs' though. The ending goes nicely into the next tracks too.
6) Heart's All Gone Interlude - One of the most emotional interludes/instrumentals I've ever heard, and it fades into Heart's All Gone brilliantly. Best instrumental from these three. Easily.
7) Heart's All Gone - This is a punk song. And an emotionally fast-paced song at that. Mark's delivery isn't mad, but it packs a punch. The lyrics are incredible, and the tempo never ever lets up. Absolutely can not say enough about this gem of a song. Mark owns this. And it has the best drumming from Travis as well I think. This song also has a very 'Stockholm Syndrome' type breakdown. It's awesome. This is my favorite, tied only with one other song.
8) Wishing Well - Nice more upbeat song after putting us in the pit of despair in the prior song. Tom kind of yodels, but it's so catchy he can get away with it. The drum portion proceeding into the chorus is ear candy. Very catchy riffs throughout, which is obviously blink's trademark, but is still worth noting. I really like the breakdown in this song. It's very AVA/Cure ish. Excellent. Overall, a solid song.
9) Kaliedoscope - I LOVE when Mark has a more chill tempo with his singing. This is definitely very +44esque, which I have no issue with. Tom's appearance is good, but I kind of wish Mark would have just sang this whole song. Yet again another, awesome breakdown. This cd easily has the best breakdowns.
10) This Is Home - I don't know why, but I thought this was Yellowcard the first time I heard this. Minus the keys portion. Tom does the yodeling thing again, and it's very catchy, as to be expected. Great breakdown once again. But nothing really stands out in this song. Probably one of my least favorites.
11) MH 4. 18. 2011 - Another meh song, but the catchy chorus and strong lyrics certainly help its cause. This may sound strange, but this song seems too happy. I really don't know how else to describe it. Doesn't really feel like a blink song. Minus Travis's drumming.
12) Love is Dangerous - Opening of this song is very AVA-esque, than the second riff comes in and it's a bonafide blink song. The effects on Tom and Mark's voices is a really welcoming change. Lyrically, this song is my favorite. And the chorus is my favorite as well. Another great breakdown as well. After two listens, I noticed myself singing it all the time. I even put it as a status. I love the fadeout as well. Overall, I think is tied with Heart's All Gone as my favorite.
13) Fighting the Gravity - Probably the strangest song on the cd, but I like it a lot. It sounds like a song that would be in a Zack Snyder or Quentin Tarantino movie. It is all over the place, but I like the confusion I get when I listen to it. Lyrically, it's similar to 'GO,' but it is WAY better then that song. I love how Travis definitely free$tyle quite a bit in this as well. Definitely think I love the oddball song of the album.
14) Even If She Falls - I love the more somber voice that Tom has to begin this cd. It's similar to 'Rite of Spring.' I also love how he changes how his voice sounds in the second verse. And I love Mark's minor but important presence. Very strong closing song, and definitely on par with "I'm Lost Without You."
Overall, it was what I thought it was, but with a LOT more AVA influence than expected, but still retaining that blink flair. I think, based off of my 30 listens, that it is my new favorite blink CD, with the selft-titled barely behind it. I definitely think this is MUCH better than TOYPAJ, and WAY better than anything pre-TOYPAJ. I'm just beyond stokes that I have another 14 songs of my favorite band to digest. And I like all of the songs, I love about 5 of them, think 6 are very solid, and that three are ok. Overall they hit a whole lot more than they miss. Tom, Travis, and Mark are back, and I couldn't be more excited.
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