@metalman0616: Peace out man. Off to work. Hope Mr. Green isn't an... annoying little brat. (I'd use other words, however, he is, in fact, a child lol)
battlefront23's forum posts
@metalman0616: You mean you don't bow to the beck and whim of anyone who needs repair? But you CHOSE to work as a programmer... :P
As horrible as it sounds, with the amount of guns circulating in the states, I'm surprised there aren't these kind of shootings once a day.
As for an outright gun ban, no way in hell will that happen. But I don't know, I suppose I am fairly "conservative" when it comes to guns and gun rights.
I've had quite a few computer programmer friends. To be frank, I'm very noobish with anything science related, aside the humanities.
About to head to work. I'm a paraeducator. Basically, when all of the substitutes in my district are gone, I am shuttled around on a helicopter and "parachute" in to the school that needs me...
In all seriousness though, I work with one student in particular who needs specific and additional instruction. Hopefully today goes smoothly. And he's not grumpy. lol
Debate, debate, debate!
I would've, not three weeks ago, told you coffee was far and away superior in every capacity. But I think I am unfortunately developing an allergy to it and can no longer drink it. :(
Also, I clicked the check for this to be "an answerable question," but it doesn't give me an option to actually add the question. I need help!
So I have an 08 VW Rabbit. It's been a good car for me for the three-four-ish years I've had it. Only one need for repair, was around $250-300. However, at around 108k miles, I have gone past the time for an overhaul diagnostic, and have not driven the car for the past couple of months. The repair would be upwards of $2,000 conservatively, and I would say I am about lower-middle class myself. Unless I could pay off the repair with monthly payments, I don't have $2,000 just lying around.
Quite alternatively, I could sell the car, I was thinking for around $5,000 (with the repairs needed and the dent on the door side I think that's a fairly reasonable price), and try to get an early 00s Toyota or Honda sedan.
I'm pretty torn here because it has been a great car for me thus far, I just don't think I have the kind of money to take care of a German VW. Also, it emits a lot too... >_>
What say you, OT? What say you?
They're something I'd buy if I would buy high tops. I don't know why, I just think high tops look really ridiculous on me.
Nice! They look cool. I'd wear shoes like these, I just don't usually like black shoes, unless they have some accent or if I have to wear 'em for a formal occasion (but then they aren't gonna be vans :P)
I just love them because you wear anything with them. Also, they get dirty way less often.
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