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.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 10: Phantom City

Now that a number of the CC Company’s staff has fainted, they must admit that something isn’t quite right. Internally, they admit that all evidence points to a correlation between game play and their staff’s current state. With Balmung and Kamui gone, CC Company appoints Reki to System Manager with activity level 318 rights and head of the mission. They’ve decided to report to the public that the incident was started as a prank by three elementary school kids. There will be no official word on the Wandering AI.

Inside The World, Mileiyu and Ouka aren’t surprised that the papers aren’t reporting the truth of the incident. Shugo is concerned about Rena, but they lay low for the day. Meanwhile, Sanjuro asks Reki what his intentions have been - to get Balmung’s job? He denies the accusations and walks away without giving a real answer. When Sanjuro returns to the party hideout, he explains to the confused members that a Wandering AI is a designated name for a remnant data of a NPC that can manifest its own wish or will.

Rena finds herself in a room full of player fragments. She thinks back to how the Wandering AI destroyed the world around them, and vows not to give up home just yet. Her friends will find her.

Reki finds Balmung playing electronic chess by himself. Reki came to encourage him. Back when he helped out Kite during the Twilight incident, he was a probably just a normal player. Now that he’s an unemployed System Manager, he’s not much different from his former self. When Balmung responds positively to his suggestion to help out Shugo, Reki gives him a master key.

The next day, Shugo and co. teleport to Phantom City, Levelmont. The town is suspiciously empty, but soon a monster appears.

Elsewhere, Rena tries to map the dungeon, but because it is still under construction, she seems to end up in the same place no matter which direction she walks. Soon, the Wandering AI appears and she tries to make contact. Its intentions are to know what death is like.

In Phantom City, Shugo makes a failed attempt to Data Drain. Sanjuro and Ouka perform physical attacks while Mileiyu performs Gigan Don (Level 2 Earth Magic). No one seems to be inflicting damage. Out of frustration, Shugo charges, but is thrown back. Balmung, however, joins the battle. Mileiyu does a Level 3 Water spell while Shugo does a Data Drain to end the battle.

Soon the Wandering AI leaves Rena and appears in Phantom City. She is Moruti…

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under to a Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 9: Impending Doom

Shugo receives an email from his estranged sister Rena. She’s safe, though she doesn’t know where she is. Meanwhile, in The World, the Knights of War have continued persecuting illegal players and security is tight. They particularly would like to erase the Kite impersonator who possesses the Data Drain. This means Shugo is no longer free to move about in The World, so he and Mileiyu disguise themselves, he in a frog costume and she in a bunny costume. They’re disguise is quickly cited as suspicious and soon they find themselves being chased by several Knights. Quickly they turn a corner to discover Hitaru’s secret hideout behind a dog house.

As the party members discuss the email from Rena, Reki enters. They panic, but he’s here to give them some information not bust them.

The hackers are hard at work preparing their ultimate move. Hayato just got a new PC and has been playing apart from the three. He is wrecking havoc in on of the areas by creating difficult monsters. This time, the Knights are hot on his trail and able to trace him as he teleports out of the area. Hayato then emails his fellow hackers to warn them, but they decide to proceed as planned.

Reki informs Kite and co. that after some investigation with his system manager level privileges, he’s found the server where Rena is. He’s not sure exactly which area, but the server is still under construction and off limits to the general players. Shugo should be able to gate hack into the area with his bracelet.

Shugo needs a disguise to go out in publish without being recognized. After briefly brainstorming, Hitaru decides they should give Milieyu’s preciously rare frog costume to Komiyama. The guards will immediately think he’s Shugo, giving them just enough time to get to the gate and teleport. All works well, and soon Shugo hacks into Cemetery of the Fallen Destroyer.

They arrive in the unfinished area to find the 4 hacker characters plotting their actions. Not long after, Kamui appears with her Knights and a battle begins. Kamui misinterprets the situation as Kite working with Kamui and goes after Shugo, while the hackers create two monsters and use a Formation Delta to counter the Knights’ attacks. Rena, too, is in a cave in the area. When she sees a light, she runs towards it as fast as she can.

Soon, Kamui and the Knights have Shugo and co. surrounded, but a new character appears. They call her the Wandering AI and she seems to be part of the hackers’ plan. However, much to their surprise, they find themselves trapped in the area and soon deleted with the rest of the contents of the world.

In the midst of the commotion, Sanjuro suggests that Shugo use his bracelet and get them out of there. He grabs Kamui, who has just watched Maggie’s character die, and starts the teleportation process. As the group ascends, Rena runs out of the cave, but she is too late to join them and remains behind.

Meanwhile, the three hacker boys lie unconscious by their computers at home.

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under to a Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 8: Lonely Noble Knight

The Knights of War are after a warrior who modified his weapon. Kamui intercepts him and reprimands him for violating the user consent agreement. She vows to get everyone who breaks the rules. The punishment is both the elimination of their player character and the deletion of their ID. The crowd looks on in amazement as Kamui openly punishes a number of culprits. One of the kids only changed the color tone of his outfit. She ties them up to a large slots machine that she controls with her lever. Each are placed in a different square. As she pulls the lever, they spin with the board and she shoots arrows at them. In the end, everyone is PK’d.

Mileyu is a bit disturbed after watching the execution. Sanzuro knows it’s only a matter of time before the Knights find out about Shugo’s bracelet. Once they do, he’ll be deleted and the search for Rena will be over.

Balmung communicates with the CC Corporation over their recent decision to leave matters in the hands of the Knights. They refuse to turn authority back to him and tell him to be more hardnosed like Kamui. He ignores their decision and continues his search.

Meanwhile, Shugo attacks monster after monster in hopes of finding the connection to Rena. The hackers watch him in the background, but are careful to keep a low profile while the CC Corporation is investigating. Soon, they get a call from Katsuyki, who informs them that Black Rose opened her eyes. They think there must be a defect in the software. Rena is with Aura in the other dimension as one of the hackers teleports in as a boy.

Kamui has captured Kumiyama, who hasn’t changed completely back from his data drained frog stage. He lies in his cell whining about Kunijaki’s Data Drain. Kamui is interested and soon, Shugo’s identity is revealed to her.

Rena runs up to the boy and asks how he got there. He’s not sure, but he was using his brother’s computer at the time. He starts to disappear, and one of the hackers reports that Aura is with Rena. They again try to contact Rena, but something interferes and tells them that she already knows. Aura tries to read the kid before the hackers log him out & learns that he is on Japan’s server.

As Shugo walks into town, the Knights of War arrest him for suspicion of violating the rules of the game. They tell him that he’s a suspect. A character on a nearby rooftop mocks the Knight’s sense of justice before he jumps down and attacks with Thunder Emperor’s Spell. He then grabs Shugo and introduces himself as The Knight, Ginkan. He then fights as Shugo data drains.

Kamui captures Ginkan while Shugo is able to escape. Sanzuro explains to the girls that Ginkan (not Kinkan) was originally the leader of the Crimson Knights. Kamui now vows to delete his character. Ginkan criticizes the ways of the Knights and tells them that they must be noble from within. All other justice is fake. Kamui laughs and tells him that if he has complaints, he shouldn’t play. She then pulls the lever and shoots. Ginkan is hit and calls out for Subaru-sama before he dies.

Balmung receives an email in regard to his search for Rena. Apparently, the CC Corporation has decided to remove him from the duties of system management for disobeying them. Reki was the informant.

Aura learned that Rena is in an area of The World where transmission is possible. She thinks that Rena may be able to send email so that the person who receives it may be able to analyze it. Aura starts to fade as the hackers increase the security of their program. She tells Rena to hurry with the email. Soon, Aura fades, but Shugo is able to receive Rena’s email.

 These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under to a Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 7: Twilight Moon

In the hospital, Rena’s blood pressure is dropping. Her brain is still active and it appears that she is still logged into the game.

Inside the game, Rena repeats over and over that she’s dead. Aura greets her and tells her to open her eyes.

Shugo tries to explain to the girls that Rena can’t log out and must be in the World somewhere. He is certain that this is more than a coincidence, and if they find the Rena in The World, she will hopefully regain consciousness in the real world.

Reki has been investigating the incident and found evidence of a forced entry at the gate. Unfortunately, everything has been deleted. Reki explains that there are numerous players other than Rena who have fallen unconscious in the real world with no trace of logging out. Balmung explains that he must continue to do everything he can to find out why this is happening. Meanwhile the hackers contemplate their next strategy…

Sanzuro explains that 4 years ago, an incident known as the ‘Twilight Incident’ occurred. Many users were harmed in the process, and The World went through a critical breakdown stage. Despite what current rumors state, a group of players led by Kite and Black Rose figured out the problem. The CC Corporation wasn’t involved and kept the investigation details secret. Sanzuro and Balmung were part of that .hacker party, and whoever devised this incident probably knew about the incident 4 years ago and that Kite’s bracelet must have been their obstacle. Sanzuro explains that once they get his bracelet, they will attack him directly.

In the real world, Shugo has a flashback to he and Rena as kids. She was describing the rabbit in the moon which breathes courage into travelers. When the traveler is in danger, he comes to help. He vows that when Rena is in danger, he will become that rabbit and logs in.

Meanwhile, Aura calls out to Rena to wake up. She sits up and remembers that Shugo met Aura previously. Rena can’t understand why she is still in the game when she was clearly beaten by the monster. She then discovers that she can’t log out. Aura explains that when she was defeated by the monster, she was caught in an illusion - the illusion that she is dead. Aura explains that many people have been caught in that illusion and wander around this place. However, if she stays in this state too long, her real world body will die. Rena reaches out to touch Aura, but her hand goes right through her. Aura explains that she exists here only as a shadow. She can only wake her.

Shugo logs in and teleports to Snow of Southern Country by himself. One of the hackers observes him and decide to create a monster to defeat him. He gets himself stuck in the snow as one of the monsters attack, but luckily Sanzuro steps in to protect him. Shugo explains that they probably have some program set up that opens up a gate when a monster is defeated. If they can analyze that connection gate, they might be able to find and save Rena. The two fight and Shugo data drains, but Kumiyama teleports in at a most inopportune time and receives the data drain himself. Unfortunately, Shugo can’t data drain again right away, so Mileyu heals him as Ouka, Balmung, and Sanzuro block. Soon, a vast army led by Kamui teleports in and takes out the monster.

Balmung and Kamui exchange words. He wants to know why she’s interfered. Apparently the two used to be in a relationship and Reki’s her new boyfriend. She then declares that she and the Knights of War are taking charge of this incident based on an official decision made by CC Corporation’s upper management. Shugo asks Balmung to do something, but he refuses. He’s still in love with Kamui.

 These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under to a Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 6: Trap of Steam

Shugo searches for Rena inside the game. No trace can be found of Rena’s ghost. Mileyu shows up, convinced that this is a limited edition event. She thinks that if they find her, they’ll receive a rare item. She tells everyone to search town and then checks the network herself. No one seems to know anything about Rena, although they do get a lead that a Black Rose character may have been spotted in the park. They head over, and find the park crowded with people.

Hitaru has her Puchiguso search for Rena’s scent. It seems to catch a scent, but gets tired out and falls asleep before too long. They then ask Ouga to help.

Meanwhile, Sanjuro meets with Balmung and informs him of Rena’s disappearance. To be specific, after she was defeated by the God of Death, she was swept away instead of turning into a ghost.

Shugo remembers Rena in the real world. She used to disappear often and he’d have to look for her. He decides that they must look everywhere to find her.

The hackers realize they captured Black Rose instead of their target, Kite, but think their plan will be ok anyway. Losing Black Rose should have weakened him, so they think that they can beat him now.

After a lot of searching, Shugo receives an anonymous email stating Greedy Girl’s House. Mileyu is now convinced that this is a limited edition event and that’s the name of the game area. They teleport in to the ice area and start looking for Rena. They come across a hot spring. Everyone undresses and sits in the hot spring. Shugo, the only boy, faces the opposite direction, embarrassed, while the girls entice him to come over and join them. Rena then steps out of the mist and hugs him. He realizes it’s a fake and asks who she is because Rena wouldn’t sit around and wait to be saved. Suddenly, Rena disappears and an old man takes her place. The girls prepare to fight his dragon spirit. Shugo gets off a data drain & soon the monsters disappear.

Balmung shows up and explains to Shugo that the limited edition Kite and Black Rose campaign wasn’t through the CC Corporation. Someone outside the company set it up. He explains that this isn’t an event - it’s an incident. At home, Shugo gets a call from his mother that Rena is in the hospital in a coma.

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under a to Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 5: Mansion of Terror

Four kids sit around computers discussing how their monster just lost. Their opponent used a data drain - an ability to reuse the monster’s data and make it weak. They realize it must be Kite and decide to eliminate him.

Shugo and the girls decide to head to the beach. Sanzuro shows up and wants to speak with Rena and Shugo in private. He tells them that if they overdo it in the game, they will harm their bodies. Sanzuro flashes back to a conversation he had with Balmung… it seems that Balmung wants Shugo and Rena to quit. Sanzuro is baffled, as Balmung himself said that the Twilight is coming and that they might need Shugo’s help. He says they can only help of their own free will. Shugo and Rena, of course, aren’t ready to give up so easily. Shugo is determined to stay in to find out what Aura meant by saving the world. Sanzuro warns them if they come across anything out of the ordinary, that they should contact him immediately.

After the lecture, Rena and Shugo witness a couple of boys trying to take a rare ball from a girl on the beach. They head over to the girl and save the ball. When Shugo gives her ball back, she takes his Member’s Address as she touches him, and then teleports away.

In the real world, Shugo logs on to find email. There is a picture of Aura asking him to help her. It says something about cursed… sorcery… killer mansion. He logs on and asks Mileyu if she can decipher the rest of it. Together, everyone heads to the new area.

Balmung and Reki discuss the recent claims of weird happenings in The World. Balmung leaves everything up to Reki, but as he is about to teleport off, several Knights of War try to confine him. A woman, Kamui, steps in and tells them to put their swords down. He is a manager of the system. Kamui and Balmung seem to know each other and exchange a longing glance. Kamui is leading a CC Corp movement to delete improper user accounts.

The twins and party are now wandering around the mansion of terror. Rena gets separated and is scared of just about everything. Kumiyama watches from behind a picture and figures this is his chance to save Rena and win her affection. As he runs to her, he trips, a sheet covers him, and a knight’s helmet falls on him. Rena takes him for a monster and smacks him with her sword until he falls out the castle window…

Meanwhile, Shugo and party get attacked by some pretty powerful monsters. They tell Shugo to go find Rena so they can escape this place.

Rena follows a bug into a weapons room and then is locked inside. The bug turns into an evil hologram of Aura, who laughs that it trapped Black Rose. A Grim Reaper starts his attack on Rena and with one hit, she is close to death. Luckily, Shugo enters in time and attacks the monster and then does a Data Drain. Rena is still desperately in need of healing starts floating to the ceiling. Mileyu runs in and tries to heal, but nothing happens. She then disappears before their eyes.

In the real world, it looks as if Rena has disappeared…

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under a to Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 4: The Night of Tanabata

Shugo is being chased by two green goblins. Sanzuro tells him not to run and starts coaching him… although Shugo isn’t the greatest fighter. As they return, Rena confronts him about ditching her to train with Sanzuro all the time.

In town, the twins learn of a Tanabata Reach event later today. Today is Tanabata day, the day of the year when Altair and Vega meet. It’s a very romantic day. Shuto isn’t impressed, but suddenly a blonde night named Humi-yan the 3rd offers Rena a rose. His friends call him the Peacock King. Shugo recognizes him as a boy from class last year, Kumiyama.

Balmung has decided to enter this year’s event as a participant, so Reki is now in charge. Apparently, an operator that was inspecting yesterday is now unconscious. Baramonk suspects the Twilight.

Mileyu ditches her normal attire and shows up in a yukata (light, summer kimono), her rare, secret item. Soon, Hitaru, Ouka and Rena teleport in. They, too, are wearing yukata, but not as rare as Mileyu’s. According to tradition, they must write a wish down and hang it on the tree branches. If they do that, the wish will come true. Shugo sneaks behind the girls to observe their secret wishes. Mileyu wants a rare item. Hotaru wants Poochi to grow up nicely. Ouka wants a strong enemy. Rena wrote something about family, but she hides it before he can read the whole thing.

As they are hanging up their wishes, Kumiyama finds them. He hangs up his wish - to have Rena’s socks - and walks away. Shugo rips it down, disgusted.

The Tanabata event starts with the battle royale contest of Star Vega, the woman weaver. First, Reki will select participants from the audience. The winner will be the first to reach the stage after overcoming many trials. The winner’s wish will be granted. If the person wrote an impossible wish to be granted, they will receive free usage for one year.

Rena is chosen as the woman weaver and is lifted into the air and teleported to stage. Baramonk thinks this can’t be a coincidence… even after a random sampling, she was still chosen.

The rest of the participants make their way across a river to greet Rena. Mileyu freezes the ice, but Ouka is able to break it and continue. Hotaru clings to one of the floating pieces of ice, terrified. She can’t swim. Shugo decides to help her by taking her back across. In the meantime, Kumiyama has taken the lead and is about to get his wish… until a large monster appears in his path and he is forced to retreat. Mileyu and Ouka go after it, looking to kill the special event monster. They attack, but the monster takes no damage. It heads directly for Shugo. Baramonk and Sanzuro together attack the whale, but it heals itself and goes after Rena. Shugo does a Data Drain and the monster is defeated. As Shugo reaches for Rena, she grabs Baramonk’s hand to thank him, thus making him the winner of the race and giving him the opportunity to kiss Rena.

Unfortunately for her, a Poochi enters at the last minute with footage showing that Shugo was really the first one there. Rena must now kiss Shugo, which they both find weird. As she is about to kiss his cheek, the background screen goes dead and Baramonk calls off the event before anything else happens. Before they leave, both Shugo and Rena’s wishes are revealed. They both want to live as a family again.

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under a to Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.


.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 3: Wings of Phoenix

A girl asks another girl named Hotaru for a favor. She’s going to be logged off for 3 days, and was hoping the girl would watch her Poochiguso. And so, for three days, Hotaru is stuck with the Poochi.

Mileyu, Rena, Shugo, and Ouka decide to check out a warehouse in search of a rare item. Mileyu, meanwhile, inspects Shugo’s bracelet and in her obsession for rare items, longs to add it to her collection of rare items. She believes it to be the ultimate bracelet in the game. Shugo has a flashback to his Data Drain weirdness back in the Cherry Blossom quest. Ouka thinks the weirdness came about because a high level bracelet demands a high level master. They decide to go train in the intermediate level area.

Balmung and Reki talk about the Kite and Black Rose contest. It seems management either didn’t know about it, or they won’t talk. Baramonk wants it reported as the number one emergency claim. Hopefully they’ll talk then.

Shugo isn’t proving to be a very good fighter, but as long as he participates in the battles, he can still level. The rest of his party make sure he doesn’t have to touch the monsters to level up, and Rena confesses that she secretly leveled when he wasn’t around to achieve her higher level. As they walk, Shugo spots a treasure box and eagerly opens it. Unfortunately for him, it’s a trap box and it takes him back down to level 1 again. He gets mad and teleports away from everyone.

Shugo sits by the town river, wondering why Aura gave him the bracelet. He notices Hotaru sitting beside him. She’s concerned because the Poochi is sick and doesn’t know what to do. Shugo decides they should stop at the Poochi doctor, who diagnoses it with Poochi Influenza. The only way they can save it is by getting the Wings of Phoenix in Talima of Purgatory, where the flames suddenly rise. They decide to call their friends to help them, but when no one will answer, they decide to try it alone. Shugo’s plan: if they meet up with monsters, he’ll use his talisman of high speed so they can escape.

Talima of Purgatory is filled with lots of strange, high level monsters, so Shugo and Hotaru try to be very careful. They soon find themselves trapped between several monsters. Shugo wants to go back, but Hotaru can’t let Poochi die. They decide to fight, and Shugo decides to use his Data Drain to save Hotaru from sacrificing herself. He defeats one monster, but just as another is ready to strike Hotaru, Sanzuro comes to the rescue. He recognizes Kite and asks why he’s playing with these low level opponents. Shugo introduces himself as the contest winner and Sanzuro leads them safely to the Wing of Phoenix. Back home, the Poochi is successfully healed.

The reddish brown haired girl comes back for her Poochi, but he doesn’t want to go back with her. He seems to like Hotaru better. Ouka and Rena show up and carry the girl away.

Meanwhile, Balmung asks Sanzuro to keep watch over Shugo. The Twilight is approaching.

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under a to Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.



hack Legend of the Twilight Episode 2 Kites Bracelet

Balmung of Soten is instructing a girl on where to place a tree in The World. Reki morphs in with more info on the Yoroi General. Apparently it didn’t exist in management’s records, and no other Yoroi General has ever appeared in the beginner level. A strange, purple glowing blob disappears by a tree as Balmung and Reki walk away.

At the real world, we get a glimpse of Shugo’s home life. His father briefly stops home but has to go back to work and is unsure if he’ll be back tonight. He tells Shugo to find something for dinner. That prompts Shugo to log on to The World.

Once inside, Rena scolds him for being late, but Mileyu shows up ready to join the twin’s party and won’t take no for an answer. Before they can respond, she takes Shugo’s hand and uses a Talisman of Great Speed, but Rena and Shugo are able to dodge the talisman and run away.

There’s a notice about the Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Tree Party on the Bulletin Board. It says “Warriors! Meet at the area: The Labyrinth of the Troubled Sakura Trees. I’ll anticipate the blooming of a magnificent flower.” Rena and Shuga head over to the area, hoping to clear the area and receive a rare item. They need a sorcerer, though. Luckily Mileyu is ready to help out.

At the Labyrinth, Mileyu does her best to try to get the trees to bloom, but after heal and water spells, the trees still aren’t blooming. She decides that before she upsets Rena even more, she’d better go find the item that may help.

Meanwhile, Balmung is enjoying saki underneath the non-blooming cherry trees. There has been no word yet on the incident. As he looks down, he notices Rena and Shugo at the event. They are reminiscing about their childhood when they played underneath the cherry blossoms as their parents looked on. Suddenly, they notice a dog with blue eyes nearby. Shugo becomes really excites at the prospect of a new pet and starts playing with the dog and saying he wants to buy it. Balmung hears this and comes over. He is concerned about the appearance of Kite and Black Rose and notices the Bracelet. Kite tells him that the girl in white gave it to him and said only he can save the world.

Elsewhere, Mileyu remembers that there are corpses hidden beneath the cherry blossom trees and starts digging away. She finds a skeleton, which reanimates itself and starts chasing after her. Balmung denies having put the skeleton monster in the game and becomes concerned. He steps in to fight and performs Backreborna, which sends a powerful blast through the skeleton. Unfortunately, it revives and starts chasing the twins. Rena slips and Shugo does a Data Drain which stops the skeleton, but seems to stop all other actions for a moment. When everyone regains motion, Shugo’s dog transforms itself into a wolf girl. The girl, Ouka of Shinken (Divine Right), claims she was held as a dog for quite some time, but the Shugo’s Data Drain released her. Ouka is one of the strongest warriors in The World and proceeds to rip apart the skeleton.

As the effects of the Data Drain slowly wear off, Mileyu’s previous spells from her fight with the skeleton start to work and destroy one of the trees, leaving a sandy residue. Shugo immediately recognizes this as the item needed to make the trees blossom and starts spreading it around with help of Mileyu. Soon all the trees are in bloom again.

For clearing the event, Shugo gets the rare item, which looks like a necklace. He gives it to Ouka and she considers it payment for her (from when he wanted to buy her as his pet dog). If he needs any help, he should call her anytime.

These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under a to Creative Commons License at

You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.

.hack //Legend of the Twilight Episode 1: Hero of Legend

A boy has been searching for the Fountain of Illusion. When he finds it, it is dried up. He can’t understand why anyone would play like that. Suddenly, several monsters morph in and attack him. He runs for his life, still confused as to why this world seems different - particularly with the upside down coconut trees, dried up Fountain of Illusion, and strange monsters. One of the monsters cuts down several coconuts to trip the boy and then pounces on him, killing him. In real life, a boy lies unconscious over his computer as his monitor flashes “Life Over.”

Kunisaki Shugo explains that he outgrew the game in Junior High school. He checks his email to find that he and his twin Rena were chosen to play The World limited edition characters, but he doesn’t have software. Luckily, his sister has installed the software on his computer, so he decides to log on.

In The World, Shugo meets up with his sister, Rena (aka Examinee Rend). This is the first time they’ve met with these characters, so Shugo is surprised by the appearance of his sister. Several onlookers notice their resemblance to older players and recognize them as the prize winners.

Rena explains that at one point, something was hidden in The World. Their characters made up a unique party that cleared the last riddle. There were two members: a boy, Kite, who founded the party, and a girl, Examinee, the Black Rose. They were rewarded by having their characters retired so no one else could use them. Rena is so excited that they are allowed to use the Legendary Characters. Shugo is happy that he is able to talk to Rena, who left home 3 months ago, over the net. They decide to pass the time by going to fight monsters. A girl watches them from a distance as they warp away.

Rena and Shugo watch as a Level 1 Mato class monster appears in front of them. Shugo attacks, but is knocked to the ground. Rena performs Calamity Cut to take out the monster. She then kneels down to offer her brother a healing potion. She then reprimands him for not reading the instructions on how to fight. Those monsters could have been taken out with simply a swing of your sword. She thinks that he didn’t ‘outgrow’ the game, but stopped playing because he couldn’t survive.

Next monster is an armored giant, Yoroi General. Rena flips out because it’s Level 48 and incredibly strong, so the two run for their lives. The girl again watches from afar as the twins try to get out of the Giant’s way. Shugo gets hurt and tells his sister to run. He then takes a hit from the monster and dies. Unfortunately, he can’t move his body in real life. The Yoroi General then goes after Rena, who has panicked that her brother is nowhere to be seen.

A voice tells Shugo that he must not die. A girl in white appears and kisses life into him. She then gives him a gold bracelet and tells him that if he uses the Data Drain, he can defeat the monster. He will be the one to continue the legend of hackers. Shugo wakes up in The World with the bracelet on and soon hears his sister scream. A Soten’s (Blue Sky) Balmung has come to her rescue and is doing his best to hold off the monster. Shugo then sets his task on protecting Rena and performs a Data Drain, changing the monster into a sword. The Soten’s Balmung then asks Rena if she’s ok. When Shugo tells him to stop holding his sister, the Balmung morphs away.

The sword makes his way to where the girl watching the battle is hiding. She decides to destroy it and make her appearance. Mileyu-chan, rare hunter of love and courage, enters the game. She is enthralled with their characters and with all of the strange events that just occurred and particularly with Shugo’s new bracelet that can overwrite a monster’s data. Apparently, because they have limited edition characters, they also have their own special events.

Meanwhile, Balmung of Soten calls for Reki. He is concerned that a special Yoroi General appeared in the beginner's area, and thinks it may be related to the previous incident involving Kite and Black Rose.

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