Now that a number of the CC Company’s staff has fainted, they must admit that something isn’t quite right. Internally, they admit that all evidence points to a correlation between game play and their staff’s current state. With Balmung and Kamui gone, CC Company appoints Reki to System Manager with activity level 318 rights and head of the mission. They’ve decided to report to the public that the incident was started as a prank by three elementary school kids. There will be no official word on the Wandering AI.
Inside The World, Mileiyu and Ouka aren’t surprised that the papers aren’t reporting the truth of the incident. Shugo is concerned about Rena, but they lay low for the day. Meanwhile, Sanjuro asks Reki what his intentions have been - to get Balmung’s job? He denies the accusations and walks away without giving a real answer. When Sanjuro returns to the party hideout, he explains to the confused members that a Wandering AI is a designated name for a remnant data of a NPC that can manifest its own wish or will.
Rena finds herself in a room full of player fragments. She thinks back to how the Wandering AI destroyed the world around them, and vows not to give up home just yet. Her friends will find her.
Reki finds Balmung playing electronic chess by himself. Reki came to encourage him. Back when he helped out Kite during the Twilight incident, he was a probably just a normal player. Now that he’s an unemployed System Manager, he’s not much different from his former self. When Balmung responds positively to his suggestion to help out Shugo, Reki gives him a master key.
The next day, Shugo and co. teleport to Phantom City, Levelmont. The town is suspiciously empty, but soon a monster appears.
Elsewhere, Rena tries to map the dungeon, but because it is still under construction, she seems to end up in the same place no matter which direction she walks. Soon, the Wandering AI appears and she tries to make contact. Its intentions are to know what death is like.
In Phantom City, Shugo makes a failed attempt to Data Drain. Sanjuro and Ouka perform physical attacks while Mileiyu performs Gigan Don (Level 2 Earth Magic). No one seems to be inflicting damage. Out of frustration, Shugo charges, but is thrown back. Balmung, however, joins the battle. Mileiyu does a Level 3 Water spell while Shugo does a Data Drain to end the battle.
Soon the Wandering AI leaves Rena and appears in Phantom City. She is Moruti…
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You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.
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