It's not about fingertips, it's about frame rate & lag!
I hate sports games like boxing where the system can't detect a quick jab. If I can punch three times in a second & the game only detects & animates one punch then the whole point of the game is lost.
Slowly they are turning the Xbone into an exact copy of the PS4. Before long, the Kinect will be the only distinguishing feature.
Here's a tip for all the people whining about Kinect: just buy a Playstation. You're basically asking the Xbox to become a Playstation so why noy just buy one of those instead? What you should be doing is asking for Halo to come to PS - that's the only reason you want an Xbone, right?
I remember a quote from David Cage a while back where he said he didn't want people to see too much before they played the game. Still, the temptation to watrch videos like this is too much.
I think that's why there's not a whole lot of gameplay in the video though. It's a making-of-the-gameplay video, not a gameplay trailer.
As for people who say this isn't a real game or it shouldn't get made... um just don't play it. I enjoyed the Indigo Propesy & I enjoyed Heavy Rain. I would like to enjoy more productions from David Cage (whether you want to call it a game or whatever other label you see fit). Just because you don't like variety or people pushing the boundaries it doesn't mean others' enjoyment is less legitimate, now go back to COD & shut up.
I don't think they'll announce a PC version intil it's been out on console for a while. It would hurt their sales too much. I know that if I only had to wait a couple more months for a PC version it would be an easy choice. I'm not buying it twice though & I really would prefer a PC version.
I'm a little bit sick of hearing how developers can't afford to make good games anymore. I've been hearing this line for a while now & great games keep coming out. It's no secret that guys like CD Projekt Red are making awesome games for budgets far smaller than most & still doing a great job supporting them after the initial sale with free updates.
For a $5 difference I wouldn't buy the used copy either though. Sounds like Game Stop's business model is firmly rooted in ripping people off.
I think you misrepresented the controller story a bit. According to the article it was something they researched but found there wasn't much interest, so shelved. You made it sound like it is something that might actually come to the PS4.
Seems like a similar idea to the heartrate detector in the Kinect 2 though. I don't see any real benefit from the system.
Hi Johnny! I figure you might be jealous of Jess because she always has people comment about how she looks instead of anything she actually says. Maybe you feel like you're missing out.
Your beard looks great! Maybe just give it a nice tidy trim to shape it better. Oh & do some push ups.
Clearly this matters to your ability to comment on anything to do with video games.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments