@VenkmanPHD @bbq_R0ADK1LL I'm not really into paying for games twice, as good as they might be. The last game I bought for PS3 was Skyrim & I was really gutted that I missed out on all the mods (plus the PS3 version of that game was full of bugs).
I'll probably end up getting on PS3 but I definitely won't pay full price again for a PC port.
As much fun as parts of this look, it's gonna be hard to spend that many hours in the lounge when I know I have a PC that could run it all much better only a few rooms away.
I really am torn as to whether or not to pick this up on PS3.
"Dear Microsoft I have branded myself as an Xbox fanboy & now pretty much my whole identity is tied up in your next console. It looks like Sony are actually going to bring out a better one & I couldn't possibly make a major purchase decision based on the merits of an actual product, because brand loyalty is more important, right? Anyway, could you please make your console exactly like Sony's so then I won't have to look like an idiot when I buy your DRM Spybox?
Nice. I like how they all have their own fighting styles. Can't wait for the PC version!
My fave was always Michaelangelo in the old tv series. I almost feel like I need to get in on the new series to get a bunch of references though. I literally haven't been into TMNT in about 20 years, but it's great to see it back!
The fact that I don't see a reference to Sid Meier or Firaxis worries me a bit. I just picked up Civ V in the Steam sale & it's hooked me good. I have a feeling that an online version would not be turn based which pretty much changes the entire gameplay. I won't write it off just yet but I don't have high hopes.
There's one way I would have liked to see some more character progression with Ellie: I would have liked to see her stop swearing so much towards the end of the game. No, I'm not offended by the swearing, but I think the kind of language a character uses can represent a lot of things about them. I get that at the start of the game she's this tough young girl who's grown up in this crazy apocalyptic world & her casual swearing makes sense. However Joel doesn't swear much (at all? I don't remember) & after hanging out with him *SPOILER* for close to a year, you would think that it would rub off.
The fact that he doesn't lecture her & tell her not to swear shows something about Joel's character. He isn't trying to be a father to her & he is showing respect to her to make her own decisions about how she wants to talk. He doesn't treat her like a child. I would think that his leading by example would be enough for her to self-modify her behaviour though. People's language often adjusts depending on the company they keep. Not the biggest issue, but I think that although small, it would have helped.
Also, how could you not discuss the shooting mechanics? I get that Joel isn't supposed to be an expert military sniper or whatever, but the aiming was pretty horrific.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments