Killer Instinct updates on the fly? I hope they get the same death threat COD rage for making tiny balance changes. I have the feeling fighting gamers are a little more open to even balancing, so hopefully idiots don't ruin features like this for everyone.
Well, I spent more on my graphics card than it costs for an entire console so, sure it's a good deal - but the graphics card comes bundled with the ability to be an elitist a$$hole for free. PC rules suckers!
Interestingly enough, no-one had a problem with that at all. Plenty of people had issues with aspects of the game, but that certainly wasn't one that the media played up.
I hope Quantic Dream come back to the PC though. Indigo Prphesy/Fahrenheit had pretty wacky controls, but plugging a controller could easily fix that.
Good to see Chris is keeping up the tradition of awesome t-shirts.
Not entirely surprised about a Sony VR headset. They released the HMZ-1 a little while back & they had an augmented reality prototype as well with a forward facing camera. Competition is always good for the consumer, so hopefully this turns out to be something good.
I always feel like micro-transactions are tring to con me out of my money somehow. Whether it's a f2p or a full priced game I've already paid for, any additional payments just seem like a rip-off. For some reason, my brain is wired against them. If I feel like a game is trying to wear me down into making purchases, my response is usually just to stop playing.
Looks like they're heading down the right road. Hopefully they offer some good AI tactics customisations. Some of the mods available for DA:O improved the standard tactics tree quite a lot, so hopefully they've learnt from that & implemented it. Not everyone likes to micro manage all the time, so a decent friendly AI is important.
I hope they make modding easy, there were some great mods for the first game.
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