So she's a villain now, and the trailer asks us to "become the Tomb Raider"? OK
Marketing mistakes aside, I think it's pretty cool that a game might be a little more self aware of how the player character is often a murder machine.
I'm a fan of the old Hitman games but the latest one was pretty lacklustre. "Episodic" means "not done yet" as far as I'm concerned so I picked it up when it was content-complete. I didn't even finish the game though, it just didn't grab me like the older games did. I could break that down further but suffice to say, I'm not really excited by news of another sequel.
@michellebennet: It's a certain type of game & they do it well. I wouldn't want every game to be like this but I really enjoy a good story driven game now & then. If it's not your jam, you don't have to play it.
Where is the line between allegory & appropriation? It's not the first time a story has used AI to make an audience think about real world racism or slavery - in fact it's basically the go-to theme.
I always love Quantic Dream games, flaws & all. I don't have a PS4 but I'm looking forward to this game when I get a chance to play it.
I think it's pretty clear that they didn't have anything for season 2 written when they finished the first season. They're scrambling to include all the things people loved before but it just doesn't work the second time.
They should have written it as a one season show, wrapped everything up that they wanted to answer & left the rest to the imagination. Having to fill in all those gaps of what the outside world is like outside and how this change would affect the world is just dragging the show down - they should be showing the hosts escaping & going into the outside world but they want to keep the Western thing going so they're arbitrarily keeping them all there.
Delores/Wyatt is boring too, her character's changed entirely & not in a very interesting way. Evan Rachel Wood may have won the battle for equal pay next season (if they get one) but she's barely being challenged to earn her pay this season. She was great last time round but these last few eps haven't really brought out her best performance.
@odubya23: You read user reviews? Too much political downvoting for my taste. Full of people either trying to justify their investment or hating on games for some outside reason, I don't have the patience to look for the few well reasoned reviews that might exist.
I agree about Civ V though, that games was like crack but Civ V didn't really grab me at all.
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