Jokes aside, look at the Witcher 3, released in May 2015. About a year and a half after the launch of the PS4, taking three & a half years to develop. Do you think those graphics looked outdated at the time?
Console generations aren't going to hold this game back. Maybe if you did more reading...
@stm1185: I agree that the world needs to respond to a female protagonist differently. If Kassandra is basically a man with a woman skin that only the player can see, it's a pretty bad RPG. There are going to be some romance options so clearly some NPCs will recognise the sex of the main character but hopefully there will be a few more nuanced reactions.
In AC: Liberation, Aveline faced the expectations of society & even had different costumes to slip between different facets of social standing. Her high class dress made it hard to move so she couldn't parkour but allowed her to interact with high society. It was an interesting mechanic & a clever use of using historical perceptions to influence gameplay. I'd like to see the devs use their imagination a little to bring some gameplay differences into this game as well.
So, it's an RPG now? OK, I like RPGs. I'm just worried it's going to be tied down by the expectations of what an AC game needs to be.
Publishers are scared of any new IP but sometimes it's better to just let a series end & start a new one. I've always loved the historical tourism aspect of AC games, so hopefully they make use of the advantages of the IP, rather than being restricted by it.
This game looks like it perfectly mirrors Westworld, it costs a whole lot & then they monitor your actions to exploit you to advertisers. I choose not to participate in this dystopia.
@Flyin3lvl: You can control the sex of your ancestor, why not history as well?
Here's a theory: You're no longer living memories through the Animus. Now you're playing one of Abstergo's games which is altered from real history. Either that or they just don't care about the lore any more.
If people could set up servers for in "in character roleplay only", Fallout 76 would be really interesting. Coming across randoms is not going to provide the traditional Fallout roleplay experience because dialogue just isn't going to happen. This guy is selling it like it's still going to be a roleplay game but without dialogue, it's just an action game.
The problem is, I could read all this & imagine a fantastic game but that doesn't mean it will be. I have serious concerns about the first person perspective & I want to see how it's implemented & if it works for melee combat, as they've claimed. If I want to imagine a cyperpunk story, there are plenty of books I can read that will read better than this article, I came here to learn about a game.
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