SLI can be forced through Nvidia Inspector but I hear it's not great scaling. I might pick it up on deep sale but likely I'll wait until the next gen of GPUs so I can bruteforce it into performing a bit better.
The engine that had composite 720P frames & literally couldn't even run at native resolutions on powerful PCs?
I'm still waiting til Quantum Break is bargain bin price. Also probably waiting til I upgrade to an 1180Ti or something. My two 970s are still crushing it with framerates but when games don't support SLI, they don't perform so well. I'll support devs making innovative games but ones who can't even optimise for the system they're releasing the game on.
@joshrmeyer: Quantum Break came to Steam later using DX11 rather than DX12. Rise of the Tomb Raider, a timed exclusive, is also available on both platforms. Both these games perform objectively better on Steam though. Sunset Overdrive still hasn't come to PC at all.
Games like the latest Forza & Gears of War are exclusive to the Windows Store on PC.
@Archangel2222: What they talked about in the podcast is that, much like phones, people expect their content to carry across to the new device.
I think going forward, we're likely to see the Xbone still get supported for a few more years but slowly there will be a push to the Scorpio & then the next one but they'll still with the X86 architecture & games will still be playable on new machines (although I think they'll eventually ditch the physical disc drives). You're not going to have to worry about emulators or backwards compatibility from this generation onwards.
It sounds like they're pushing towards the software versatility of a PC while trying to retain the simplicity of a smart phone or traditional consoles.
@KungfuKitten: Please report to your nearest police station. We just want to talk with you about your ideas. Nothing serious, however you may wish to update your will first.
@verysalt: I'm just hoping they can populate the city. Technical limitations have meant that every town in video games often has about 20 buildings & 7 residents with cities not being much larger. I'm hoping they can make it feel realistic to walk around in. Even the latest Deus Ex felt incredibly sparsely populated.
It's true that modern cards don't really stretch their legs until they hit higher resolutions but 4K is still firmly in the realm of the 1080 & 1080Ti for most games if you're looking for 60fps as well as high settings.
Rendering at a higher resolution & downscaling to 1080P generally gets better performance than native 1080P with anti-aliasing so there is definitely ground to be gained by rendering at 1440P. I think the Scorpio will still struggle to do that at high framerates for many AAA games though.
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