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#1 bceagles358
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. I'll probably end up getting 2 classic controllers and 2 gamecube controllers... and maybe a few gamecube memory cards. Also, I've been looking online, but found nothing on this -- can you download the SNES version of mario kart for wii? That was seriously one of the best games ever created.
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#2 bceagles358
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

I just bought a Nintendo Wii. I have a few questions for anyone that can answer them. I have 2 Wii controllers... should I also get classic controllers and gamecube controllers? I know the gamecube controllers are recommended for Smash Brothers which is coming out soon. Or, if I get the classic controllers, will there be any reason to have the gamecube ones (to play gamecube games if I got them - or can you just do that with the classic controllers?) Also, do you have to download the old SNES games from the Wii? - or can you buy them in stores - and if so, do you need to use the classic controllers to play them?

Thank you - sorry about all the questions, I am just new to this. I used to have SNES & N64.. so this is my first Nintendo system in quite awhile.