Aliens games can either go one way or the other. Seems like there hasnt been any decent ones since the two PC AvP games. Ive always wanted a coop multiplayer mode like this, if its been done properly and can be played on more than 2 maps I'll be happy playing that for a while. I like all the door hacking and welding. Im actually looking forward to this one!
This is all well and good but it'd not exactly any kind of progress. What I'd personally want from Capcom is a full-on AAA new release, I want it boxed and in the shops, even if they don't think it will sell as well as they'd hope! I havn't owned a boxed megaman game since Megaman X on the SNES!
They should make a detailed (not cel-shaded or anything though) 2D platformer that runs in a 3D engine. Put in a new story that is actually relevent to what your objectives are and not just churn out another 'cop-out' like the recent NES emulatorish MM9+10. Keep the traditional platformer/shooter gameplay but put in exciting action sequences similar to the likes of Uncharted to break up some of the level structure in specific places. Maintain an element of 'Metroidvania' and make it so backtracking through previous sections with new suit upgrades/boss weapons opens up new and interesting areas/story. Add some simple RPG elements (side quests and people/reploids to talk to) giving players a reason NOT to just try and speedrun the game and take in the atmosphere and actually feel connected to the gameworld. I appreciate that a lot of what I've said has already been in past Megaman games, but I really want a fusion of ALL that was good brought into a highly polished (but ultimately traditional) title.
Basically i want Capcom to just TRY and make an epic Megaman X/Zero/Legends/Bionic Commando/Outland/Uncharterd/Metroid game...
Yeah it does look fun! Ive enjoyed all the DLC for BF3 so far, much more than I expected to be honest. When i heard they were going to be 'themed' expansions, focusing on certain aspects (like Close Quaters being a no-vehicle job). I had my reservations because the reason i've always played BF games I love the mixture of character classes and vehicles all coming together, but what these expansions has proven to me so far is that variety is the spice of life, and its these little tweaks and variations to the well known formula (without losing sight of what makes BF awesome to play to begin with) that keeps me coming back. I'm looking forward to this one indeed!
@deano2096 very true, and is it me or should Bishop's legs have been sucked out of the airlock with the queen? I cant remember if it shows them after that scene.
Ahh Dr. Doak. We meet again, last time I saw you, you gave me the security door decrypter for the Bottling room. Things have been hard since aye?
Gah SW: Battlefront 3 was shaping up to be an awesome game. A HD version of the second game with better online support on console would still qualify for a must buy release. Why has LucasArts burried possibly its best gaming franchise, all the game boxes stated it was 'the best selling starwars game ever", if it makes money and recieved critical acclaim WHY STOP MAKING THE GAMES!?
My favorite will always be A Link to the Past, it was the most perfect follow-on to the two games beforehand. I'll always prefer my Zelda games to be top-down. No matter how amazing The Ocarina of Time was, for me, they cracked the formula back on the SNES.
I cannot wait for this game, played the first two PC games as they came out and they've stuck in my mind like a dose of Valkyr... Of which I'm still clearly addicted! Ill be playing it on a PS3 however
beanofengland's comments