a few months ago i decided to totally upgrade and get a brand new pc for crysis and future pc games, i was a little behind the times so decided rather than going online and trying to work out the best config i could, i went to a pc repair shop and asked what he thought would be best. ended up buying an evga 320mb geforce 8800 GTS under the deciept that 'you can just buy another to power it up for crysis'... i didn't know anything about the workings of SLi (and neither did he apparently) because so far its doing jack **** for my performance, i've read on Sli forums that all Sli is good for is improving image quality at high resolutions, i'm hoping that crysis unlocks the potential SLi can *theoretically* produce, come on devs, supports SLi properly!
i think they just get people off the streets to do these kinds of 'features', everyone who is worth writing one of these dedicated to the art of mario games should know where those train tracks come from - yoshi's island anyone? freaking morons
works fine for me in dx10, only thing that annoys me is how the game work pauses when you're hacking, go here for a better review than gs could ever do: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/1394-Zero-Punctuation-BioShock
1. Shining Soul 2. StarCraft 3. MechWarrior 2 4. System Shock 1 5. Super Mario RPG (well not in ROM form anyway... curse you square for leaving the UK out!!!)
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