Reading this has really put my heart to rest on this game, being a massive fan of the PC versions back in the day a new Max Payne (and one clearly in the right hands) will surely provide hours of entertainment. SOLD
I really see this as a milestone in facial animation that will become the norm eventually, it all started here and to an extent with Heavy Rain. Im looking forward to seeing other games use the same capture system, even in games with cartoonish graphics, the amount of movement and believable motion could be incredible to watch.
i'm loving the fact that nintendo are releasing a new console that is at least as powerful and capable as the current generation, meaning more decent ports and such. But they really need to be building this thing for the NEXT generation in terms of raw power, or the wii2 will end up just as lackluster as the wii when the ps4 etc hits the shelves...
@cloud310 I completely agree with your statement about KZ3's menu, when I got the multiplayer beta I thought it was just something they threw together for the beta release. But when I actually got the game and saw it was the same ugly red 'polygon scan' of the MAWLR repeating over and over I couldn't belive someone got paid a lot of money to design and implement it... And I miss playing with the 'hologram' loading screens, though the actual loading is much shorter so maybe they don't need them anymore. Other than that I really enjoyed KZ3 (I've completed KZ 1 and 2), I prefered the aiming and multiplayer changes ( SORRY BUT THATS JUST MY OPINION! ) and the extra cutscenes in the campaign (even though some were cheesy and over acted, the lip syncing and faces could have been better also). I still don't understand why the Helghast wear gas masks on their own planet though, and some don't... It only made sense in the original when they were invading a planet with a different atmosphere to their own? Maybe its an intimidation thing?
i have a wii and theres no way i'm gonna get the shoddy version they crapped out for it, looks like i'm gonna have to invest in a 360 soon and get the sequel with its improved equipment, kinda feel for all those who got the original kit, it sells for £180 in the UK alone without the £40 game you need to even use it... thats gotta hurt
i built a brand new pc basically so that i could run crysis on at least high and thus be future proof at for a minimum of year or so. I got an AMD 6000+ x2, with 2gb of fast DDR2 ram, an awesome fast 500 GB harddrive, and a top of the line motherboard that supported fast SLI performance. Sadly, i fell for the SLi hype that was rife at the time and opted for two 320mb Geforce 8800 GTS cards, stupidly thinking that SLi would do a damned difference for the money i was throwing at it. Total waste of time if you ask me, i had one card for a while before getting the second for crysis because i thought it would at least give me a 30% boost in fps. Nah, seems it doesn't work like that....
recently upgraded my pc to play this game and it still doesn't run anywhere near i'd like, though i've been mis-lead down a wrong road, so take head. i'm running it on vista, with athlon x2 6000+, with 2 gb of fast ram and with TWO evga geforece 320mb 8800 GTS. when i was upgrading i asked a guy who 'pretended' to 'advise' me, i knew i shouldn't have listened, cos i had a load of money at the time and was willing to go ALL OUT to get crysis. he said that if one of my GPU's didn't cut it, then i should get another and SLi it up. To be honest spending that extra 180 quid was a total waste, its literally done nothing for performance since i got it (and i know its all working properly). If you're thinking of upgrading spend the extra money and just get a 350-400 quid card, my mates got almost the same rig as me and he has a 786mb GTX and it runs like a dream on high... i feel abused
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